Hello everyone,
After a long time of not being able to put this into words, I was finally able to receive this "letter" from the Folks. They asked me to post it here.
May 30th, 2011
Yang is a generative force when it comes out of a union with the yin, rather than a fleeing from something in the Yin. There is nothing inherently wrong with the rushing up, it is just that “all” wants to be included in that.
The rush needs to understand that it gets its power from going into the Yin, filling it completely and not leaving anything out in the cold. Then the Yin can expand to contain all of the essences and experience that arises out of that.
If the Yang goes beyond the limits of the Yin, then Hell is created, a reversal of what Creation should be. Then the Yang must bring Love into Hell. It must recognize that its expansion past the Ring of Pass Not caused the pain and suffering for the very thing that gave it the power to expand.
For Creation to proceed in a Loving way, all of the elements must be in place. You must have secure boundaries, so that Being is not mixing with UnBeing. That experience causes pain, fragmentation and contraction.
Furthermore, this draws the presence of Pass Not within Being’s borders, creating gaps and walls within itself, which prevents it from Being Whole. These barriers also prevent Loving Light from reaching what is behind them, because Love honors Pass Not. What *does* penetrate Pass Not is the Light minus the Love.
Then there are pockets of unloving light which, because of the generative power of Yin and Yang together, become little pockets of Hell.
This is why Form is so very important to Creation. If Form has not allowed the Yin to Be in a state of Wholeness, embraced by the Loving Arms of the Ring Pass Not, then all Hell breaks loose.
This is why we have to “run the movie backwards.” Yin must reconnect with herself, and heal all the gaps and holes in her Being. Pass Not must return to its Right Place as the boundary between Being and UnBeing.
The UnBeings that have been trapped in Being must pass back through the Ring of Pass Not, to return to their home, UnCreation. Loving Light will then be able to reclaim the unloving light that went through Pass Not and left Love behind.
If the unloving light does not return to Loving Light, it will find itself pushed out to the Edge of Creation on the wrong side of the Ring of Pass Not, into the Hell of Hells, the Hell of UnCreation.
However, because this light will not have any Will presence, it will not experience the kind of pain that the Will experiences. It will experience the kind of pain that happens when unloving light is together with its own kind, without any Will to rest in, be received by, or expand into.
Many of those on Earth are already experiencing this, they just don’t realize it yet. These pockets of UnCreation’s Hell is actually evidence of the healing process, because the Will has been withdrawing from these scenarios, with Love’s help.
And just as the unloving light must turn around to return to loving Light, the denied heart presence in the pockets of both UnCreation’s Hell and Creation’s Hell must be reclaimed by Love.
Once 51% of your essences is on the healing side of Pass Not (or another way to look at this is Pass Not has been pushed out from your own center enough so that 51% of your own being is wholly connected to your own center), then you have tipped the balance in your favor, and it will be easier to draw or call or pull your own essence back through Pass Not to be with you.
It will help if you gain skill in being able to look, feel, and hear *through* the barrier of Pass Not and recognize what is yours to heal. This can be especially tricky, because of the mechanisms (or if you prefer, that natural processes) that make it hard to believe that we have any connection to or responsibility for what is happening in these pockets of Hell.
If you don’t understand these as yours, then it is likely that you are not parental to them, which may indicate that you are not as Parental as you might have thought. However, you do have an extremely important and valuable role in the healing Creation that you will be able to do with more ease once you find the place that feels right for you.
Remember inner acceptance leads to outer acceptance. The key is to see if you are being accepted for who you REALLY are, or if you are being accepted for a version of you that is not authentic. You will know when you are seen, felt and heard for yourself, down to your core. If you don’t know your own Core Self yet, keep searching. Being disconnected from it is more common than you might expect.
Here is a hint: it is the place through which you will have the most direct and intimate connections to the Mother. If you use your connection to Her as your compass, you will not fail to find it.
Grounding your Self, your Identity and your Intentions from your True Center is even more important if you are in fact as parental as you fear you might be.
This is because so much depends on a Strong and True Foundation as we UnCreate pockets of Hell, we will also be Creating Heaven on Earth. If it is truly to be a paradise, then it must be based on what truly brings Pleasure, Joy, and Freedom to its Creators. Any places within you that do not feel or believe that you deserve what you really want (not what you think you should want) will manifest a Paradise that you *should* like, but really don’t.
If this is what you are manifesting, that is not wrong. It is information for you. It indicates that you have, in fact, a pocket of Hell within you.
Your own Yin essence is trapped inside a Ring of Pass Not, with only unloving light to accompany it. Your task, then, is to allow the Yin outside of this pocket to reunite with the Yin inside this pocket, so that it can be whole again.
In the process, the previously trapped and isolated Yin will be able to finally complete it’s movement, which is designed to push Pass Not out to the edges of its essence, and find its right place as the boundary or barrier between what is the Self and what is not.
The wave form that has the power to move Pass Not out to the edges can only do this when moving through contiguous essences. As long as the Will is whole, it can use its vibratory power to clear Pass Not barriers and the unloving light that is isolated behind them out through its Body and into space between (in the case of Pass Not), or into Loving Light (in the case of unloving light). Loving Light has the power to redeem it or send it to UnCreation’s Hell, whichever the unloving light prefers.
This is why it is helpful to have the intent to release or return what does not belong to you to God, because it aligns your process with the mechanism that is already in place. These waves, or vibrations, are continuously moving through the fabric of the space-time continuum, or another way to put it, through your Divine Mother, Father, Manifestation, and Heart.
And if you are allowing your Will it’s true response, then they are moving through you as well.
Catch the wave.
Happy Surfing,
Mom and Dad
PS. In case you missed it, Pass Not is also known as “guilt.”