Please read the previous post, received September 11th, first. This was received January 2nd, 2012.
God: Write this down, please.
You are at the beginning of a new phase in your healing process. There are some that have gone through this already, but they are few and far between. So you will have to “keep your own council,” so to speak. And in fact, it will be helpful if you do this literally—check in with yourself, but also your guides and allies. There is a new wind blowing through the Universe. To some, it is the Calvary; to others, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In fact, it might seem to be a little of both. Or a lot of both. The point is, it is time to launch the Ark. The Flood is coming, and even if I wanted to, I can’t stop it.
There will be a crescendo in the Symphony of the Spheres. It is an opportunity for you to scream out your own truth. You don’t have to have words. Let yourself be the bellows that allows all of your lost will the opportunity to release what it is holding.
This will look like old resentments surfacing. It will look like All Hell Breaking Loose. It is time for the collective “later bag” to be emptied and sorted out. We have no more time to wait.
In your relationships, this is going to mean that every molecule of emotion that you denied is going to come back in to your consciousness. Take advantage of this. Do not stuff it back down. Let it up, out, and if it is your essence, back in. The quantity of lost will is not so much a measure of your denial; it is more like a measure of just how huge you are. See yourself a serving your lost will when you find yourself “gapping.” You are actually UNgapping. Gapping is when you send stuff into the gap, not when you bring it out.
Be gentle with yourselves for expressing thoughts and feelings that you never wanted to believe you had. The uglier they were, the more you denied them. You will know you are making progress when it gets really ugly. Don’t judge yourselves here. Release the judgments that it was unloving to have those ugly thoughts and feelings. Give them a chance to contact you, their parental parts. Give them a chance to express. Give them a chance to release, to get the light of acceptance. Love yourselves for receiving them. You may not be able to love them as they are. But if you allow them to come up and express and release, they are going to be able to evolve.
Remember that we are dealing with responses that are completely immature, uninformed and infantile. You are going to be triggered into outrage when you discover that your significant others have these ugly thoughts and feelings. You are going to want to demand that the other “corrects” them; essentially you will insist that they admit they are wrong, and bow to the greater wisdom of the more evolved parts of you.
This approach probably won’t work very well. This is because you are causal, in a simplified view, to the state they are in. On some level, they know this. What you abhor in another is what you will ultimately have to find acceptance for in yourselves, if healing is what you seek. But it is not wrong to move your response to the ugly thoughts and feelings coming out of the gap. Just try not to blame the other person for being in the same predicament you find yourself in.
There is a reason that you are together. There is a reason that you are in your family, and are drawn to your friends. Let them trigger you. Be a responsible healer and work to connect your healing intent to your blaming rage. Find the healing intent IN the blaming rage, and build from there. Find the healing intent in your terror.
Think of yourselves as being in a workshop. Give yourselves time to reflect on your experiences. Set yourselves up for learning. Be disciplined in the ways that I discussed working together in the Green Book.
The first rule of being a healer is “do no harm.” Nurture your wills. Your own, and each other's. For aren’t both manifestations of the Divine Will? Aspects of the Mother? Also: examine your beliefs. Pay attention to your thoughts. They have immense power, and as you move, you will have the opportunity to experience even more tremendous changes in your world view. The broader your point of view (POV), the more power you will have in the world.
Let me say that again: the broader your POV, the more power you have in the world. They way to achieve this is to find acceptance for all of your own POVs.
It’s a big job, but you are ready for it. Treat yourselves like Olympic athletes. Take very good care of yourselves. We need to get ready to sprint to the finish line.
“It won’t be long now.”