(MFGH) The thing we would like to talk about today is your relationship to GodHeart.
(me) ??? am I receiving that right? What is GodHeart?
(MFGH) well you invoke it everyday—MotherFatherGodHeart.
(me) oh, right, that. I guess I never really thought of that part of the equation. I just didn't want to leave anybody out or cut myself off from anything.
(MFGH) yes, so you might as well know what you are invoking.
(me) I'm embarrassed that I had never thought about this before.
(MFGH) Imagine a big silver ring with a "jungle bell" linked to it.
(me) okay, yes I have been getting that image ever since you mentioned it.
(MFGH) You are like the bell, and GH is like the ring. The bell has several qualities. It can ring—making noise, signaling, making music, celebrating—and it can travel around the ring's circumference. It can also rotate around the band of the ring itself. So it is pretty fluid.
The ring is round, rigid, with no beginning or end, and can be anywhere in space.
GodHeart is an aspect of God, and an aspect of Heart. It is a part of Original Heart that "bonded" with Spirit. It is the part of OH that holds the blueprint/dream as well as the intention to manifest it. Another way to say it, is that it is Grace. The Holy Spirit. Grandfather's Light.
It is like the ring because it has no beginning or end. It is complete unto itself. We choose the ring shape as opposed to a "beam" shape, coming from Grandfather to you. Since Original Heart is no more, there is no "place" for this beam to come from. Yet it is always there. Solid. What we have to add to the ring image is that the Grace is always traveling along the ring. It is always moving, and always arising. Yet is has no "emergence point."
(me) is it a mobius strip?
(MFGH) it could be, as that breaks up the idea of an inner and outer surface.
Now to the bell. The bell is clearly not the ring, and has a lot of movement, yet it is always following the curve of the beam of the Grace. It has a part of it that is linked to, or "holding" the ring, the beam of Grace. To stretch the analogy, the link is a vessel for the beam of grace. In fact, if you filled the ring with jingle bells, you would have a path made of vessels for Grace to thread through.
When the bells are in alignment, this path is smooth. It doesn't take a long time for the beam to travel around, as it's path is in the most efficient shape. In "reality," however, the bells are not aligned, and some of them are even missing. So this affects the path of Grace.
However, the now-oddly-shaped "ring" is never broken. The path is never broken. Even in the smallest fragments, there is always some remnant of that which can receive Grace. This is why healing is possible... why God's/Grandfather's Grace can always "find" you, and is, in fact, always there for you. When you open to channel, you are intending to be the path, the vessel, the tube. This strengthens the path, which strengthens the Flow of Grace.
GodHeart (the bell and the ring together) is both the oldest and the youngest aspects of Spirit. It transcends the Seven Creations. It is what links them together. You could almost look at it as the "stream of time." It allows for continuity. You could also look at is as the "evolutionary path." Or even the "DNA of the Universe."
(me) I am getting the image of the World card in the Crowley Tarot deck.
(MFGH) yes. Which brings up the concept of the Matrix.
The Matrix is the "MF" of MFGH, the Mother of Everything+Father of Manifestation part of the equation. It is the space, form, and ground for the ring and the bells. A matrix is often seen as a lattice. Let us use this model and consider each part of the lattice.
Each node is a point of view (entity), and each line is a "line" or "cord" or "agreement" or "connection" between them. Together, they all make up the framework for "consensual reality." Of course, our problem is that there are tears in the lattice, large holes or gaps where points of view are missing. There are nodes that do not connect to the rest, for various reasons.
Now let us consider the lattice in three dimensions, like the neuron cells in a brain. As you know, some of the neural pathways are more developed that others, so you could say that the Matrix Itself is imprinted and shaped, not just the individual nodes.
And what travels along the lines? Well, Grace, for one thing. And because of the shape and imprinting of the Matrix, it is easier for some parts to receive it than others.
But Grace itself is decentralized. We know that you have been focusing on light coming "from" the Godhead, "down" through Purple, to "you," and we want to give you an alternative, more complex picture. It is parallel to an understanding that you got many years ago, that there is no real "center" to the Will, or rather, that there are an infinite number of centers that can open space and receive Loving Light.
(me) wow this is better than an acid trip.
(MFGH) :)
(me) I get that this has something to do with my rage… specifically my rage at Purple. I am also suspecting that it has something to do with my guru issues—my (apparently mistaken) idea that light/grace is sourced somewhere Else, and I have to "do whatever it takes" to get it.
(MFGH) Yes. You do not have to get Our Light "through" anyone else. In fact, we want you to get it directly from Us. This strengthens the Matrix, in ways not easy to explain. If the Source of Grace and Light is distributed, then nodes that were originally "farther" from Original Heart or Godhead can now get it more easily. Eventually we hope that they get it directly from Us as well.
By the way, we have never said that your fragments could not get light directly from us. They can. However, it will help both them and you if you can accept them back in. You are their right place and they long for acceptance. In some instances, the first step to this process is becoming conscious of the lines between you, and allowing information, and emotions to come from them to you, and sending them your love and Our Grace from you to them.
Grace is infinite, yet at any particular node or connection, it is more or less present, depending on the openness of the "vessel." So you have the power to increase Grace in your life and other's.
(me) I am intrigued by the idea that this is the Holy Spirit. What is with the dove?
(MFGH) The dove is a symbol of peaceful light, of loving light. Jesus-Heart or Son-Heart's role is to draw and channel this aspect of light. When this image arose there was a lot of unloving light, so it was important to distinguish the "right" kind of light.
(me) I am getting that there is some truth to the Christian doctrine of getting to the Father through the Son…
(MFGH) this is referring to the role of "upper heart" in both manifestation and the healing process. You do need some acceptance of this part of yourself in your energy body for it to do its job. And this can be reflected in the outer world as "accepting Jesus."
Note: I asked about a friend who is a mother aspect who has experienced God's Loving Light coming in through her crown and "landing" in here heart (as opposed to my meditation, in which I allow the light to come all the way through me and "land" in the mother "below" me (through my root chakra to the Earth). I wondered if this difference was because as heart, the light goes through me to the mother, who is the ground for it. MFGH said it was a complex question and I needed more experiential understanding before they could answer.
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