Dear MFGH,
I just noticed in the yoga practice we are focusing on the heart (4th chakra), while in the martial arts practice we focused on the hara (2nd chakra). It seems like it would be good to balance out the upper body emphasis with a lower body emphasis. Although in yoga the breath originates from the abdomen, so that probably helps.
I am also feeling a bit of excitement when I feel like I am tuning into my personal stream of grace and Aurum is present. It’s a little like feeling in love. Then I was trying to tune in to the greater streams of Grace… and I felt like that would be even more powerful… and that that would be a manifestation of right time and place to do magic…
And another interesting thing about it is that Grace seems to have a front/back flow, in addition to the up and down tubular flow of the Great Circulation… I wonder if the "network" flow is forward and back…
(MFGH) yes, that is generally how the cords work. Out from particular chakras in a horizontal fashion, but it can come out in 360 degrees, not just forwards and backwards. Your human fragments and connected people are on the same physical plain as you are, so the cords are parallel to the ground. Well it is really a sphere, so not literally parallel.
Lines to essence on other planes may go out in any direction.
And you are right that being in the stream of Grace, at whatever level, is an aspect of magic. It is the source of synchronicity.
You also have to "be here now" to be in your stream of Grace. So it is good for centering yourself and also why meditation and other practices that bring you into the present moment feel good and even have a magical quality.
As we said before there are many ways to conceptualize it. The Taoists practiced being in the flow in every moment. Artists of all kinds seek this flow. It is also why sometimes you want to keep channeling during a session. It is the source of creativity, and how the Muses communicate with you.
It is also how you get to the feeling of "Oneness" with the universe, which is an Infinitely fine Web.
All chakras have their own connection with their own levels of the web, but the web is often associated with Indigo because indigo can "see" it. But you can perceive it in other ways as well. You can feel the "tug" of the web in your heart (where the phrase "pulling on your heart strings" comes from), in your gut, or even sexually. You can have a "meeting of the minds."
These cords can be functional or dysfunctional. And you can (theoretically) add them or subtract them. People in close relationships have multiple cords, chakra to chakra. They can be more or less conscious of them and of the "agreements" they made when they made the connection. These agreements can last between lives, and the cords are how you find each other in subsequent lives.
You can release the agreements, but depending on how they were made, this can be difficult, in that it can require a certain degree of emotional intensity (movement). And if you have essence left on the other side of the cord, it will still be connected to you at the more subtle "wormhole level."
Cords are not all the same, and they also exist in different forms on different levels of reality. To really disconnect, you have to go to the causal level. You may even have to go back to earlier Creations.
Cords are essentially analogous to imprints, except they are the manifestation of what goes on between essence. They act with the force of gravity, in that they are "warps" in the fabric of space-time. Another way to say it is that they are the warp and weft OF the fabric of space-time.
But it is more important that you feel this, experience this for yourself than we talk about it. Eventually you will get to the point where you can perceive more detail about your energy body. We can also talk about decording, but the technique of it is not as important as the emotional work.
(me) thank you, this "ties" some things together for me.
Thanks, Davey!
I think I'm going to be late in posting today.
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