[I started with a brief discussion of my vision for the heartofindigo.com website, and how it was hard to wait.]
(me) its hard for me to have patience and allow things to unfold in "right time." Hey I just got that "right time" is like following the Tao.
(MFGH) yes. Right time is not like an appointment on the calendar that you have to wait to get to. It is matching the pace of the unfoldment… balancing speed and slowness, not rushing the will but not stopping it either…
Part of our problems in the beginning was our different speeds. In a sense, in the explosion of Original Heart, the Will had to slow down and nearly stop to clench, while the light had to rev up past the ignition point. This was not wrong in terms allowing Matter to manifest. To say more would require you to have some physics basics in your consciousness.
(me) okay maybe when I get a chance to do some reading we can come back to this.
(MFGH) it is important that this earliest of stories gets told as well, so anything that you could do to facilitate this would be welcome.
(MFGH) if you insist on a linear time line, then yes. But at this level of reality, "time" is more like nested spheres of influence. The Macro and Microcosms were already present. So what was happening in the microcosm of the First Creation was also happening in the macrocosm of the Seventh Creation. We put it this way, because each subsequent creation was bigger, and embraced the previous creations. This is because more and more Will presence was entering into a relationship with the Light. More space was opened for Form to manifest with each iteration.
Allow your understanding to unfold with time. You cannot really "get" it when it is a concept. It has to be activated in your own experience.
It is analogous to your own energy body.
(me) I don't understand why it is flipped around, though. My understanding is in our energy bodies the Red sphere is the smallest.
(MFGH) yes, because you are in the Seventh Creation now. At this level, it is easier to start with the vessel, the seed of Body. Your Earthly parents were whole Seventh Creation beings, while at the beginning we were not that yet, nor did we have parents.
(me) I have so much curiosity about the Second Creation. I have gotten glimpses but it seems like such a big gap in the story. And why would "night" come after purple? Why did Indigo hide?
(MFGH) Indigo "saw" what happened in the First Creation. It was the first time that we had actual Manifestation to observe and learn from. You could say that Indigo was scarred by what it saw. And decided the route that the Parts took there was "not for me!" And so it reversed on itself and went into hiding. Reversed is not the quite word. We would say went "inside out" except it was more like "outside in and inside in too." It went deep, silent, underground, so to speak.
On another layer, Indigo was born from the orgasm in Purple. In this orgasm, there was enough will presence to manifest the spectrum of my light that is next to purple—indigo. Indigo was the beginning of reflecting on something—and also, of understanding reflections. Indigo had intimate knowledge of the beginnings of things, and this helps it understand.
Indigo also was the beginning of questioning the assumptions we made in Original Heart. The primary one was that things would unfold as we "envisioned" they would. Indigo carried the dream/blueprint in a "visual" form. All of the colors carry it, but each in their own way.
One of the important differences between Indigo and Blue is that Blue was the beginning of "voice." So in manifestation, the pattern is the Divine Inspiration, the Vision, and then Speaking the Vision.
Having a voice enabled Blue to "vibrate itself." It had an ability to shape manifestation with its vibratory power and draw to it what it wanted. This is part of why FOM was drawn to it. There was the possibility of intention in Blue that wasn't yet possible in Indigo. So Blue Woman could say with confidence "Come here Big Boy" to FOM and let him know that she could give him what he wanted because she could be an active participant. She could intend, and then manifest her intention.
The unfortunate consequence of Blue manifesting before Green, is that Blue did not have the heart presence to know to manifest something loving. It had desire without heart—which amounts to "power over" others, instead of "being empowered and empowering."
FOM did not have the Heart presence then either. This was in part because he did not "exist" in the same ways that the rest of us did in Original Heart. He was the longed for, yet completely unknown, part of the creation process. He did not "carry the blueprint/dream" in the same way that other parts did. You could say that he was the blueprint/dream, in that everything he did imprinted creation and manifested the dream.
To switch perspectives for a moment, you also need to consider what was happening for the rest of the Will that was not yet communing with the Light or manifesting her desires. She was lost to the rest of us. We were lost to her. She was drawing us to her through the part of her that was at the end of the wormhole begtween her and the light—what we have called "Daughter Heart." The "dot" of Yin in the Yang side. She was like a force at the other end of the worm hole, drawing us to the opening so that we could go down through DH into her. She was also trying to rise up through the wormhole to receive us.
In the Second Creation, Indigo "knew" that the Will was going to have problems now. It understood that this pattern of creating a little bit at a time with a little bit of Will at a time was not such a good idea after all. It could "foresee" how this problem was going to unfold in each subsequent creation, when only a part of the Will was going to join Manifestation at a time. It could visualize the blueprint/dream, and could also visualize the probable actual unfoldment. And it did not look good.
This gap was very distressing to Indigo, as you can well imagine. This was the first "understanding" of "gap," although Indigo had no clue what to do about it, or even how to communicate it to the rest of us. We did not have any knowledge that we should be looking to Indigo for this kind of information, or how to use it once we had it, for that matter. There was not even a coherent "us" to communicate to.
So Indigo had the makings of its first internal gap—the side that polarized to the dream (what we wanted to happen), and the side that polarized to the "truth" (what would actually happen). The "dreamers" and the "realists" have been at odds with each other ever since. In actuality, for Indigo to fulfill its function, it needs to have both sides present and cross referencing each other, but this has not always happened. But in another way this is not wrong, in that it was the beginning of binocular vision—seeing things from two slightly separated points of view gives you a depth of understanding.
Indigo also had the first awareness (perception) of the "invisible" connection between "lost will" and manifestation—the "worm holes." This is a big contributor to Indigo's "psychic powers." To Indigo, it is not mysterious. It is simply seeing the "web" and understanding how various parts are connected and influence each other. This ability to see relationships as a whole is part of what you call "right brain" understanding.
And remember, you all have an indigo chakra, and so have the potential for these gifts. But with the gifts comes the knowledge of pain in the rest of creation, and this can be very distressing.
All of these colors are in the "background" of the Chakra Rainbow, and each of them has issues about that. This is a whole other area of exploration that we will save for another time. But they have a role in connecting each Chakra, and many who have not found their "home color," or could not decide between two, may discover that they are in this category.
very cool!...get it, get it, get it.
oops... i THINK!
LOL--I know exactly how you feel.
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