Thursday, September 20, 2007

an opening in blue-green


Dear MFGH,

Today I listened to my heart when I got the echocardiogram. It was very interesting. Kind of scary, actually.

I am also paying a lot of attention to my "blue-green" chakra? connector? since I had the breakthrough in yoga to arch the very top of my thorasic area. I could feel the space between each vertebre open up and energy shine up and out. It was such a trip. Now I am working on rolling that open, and allowing the rest of the bones to settle into place. Also strengthening the upper back to hold the shoulderblades back and down. Hmm, there is that back and down thing again.

Anyway, that part of my upper chest is now pointing "up" to a much greater degree. So I am wondering if on an energetic level my upper heart is opening up. Well actually I know it is. I guess I am wondering what it means. What is the function of that part of the spectrum? I love the turquoise colors so.

(MFGH) This part of the spectrum was rebuffed by Blue. Many times. Green wanted to give its input to Blue, to bring more heart presence their am mediate/moderate/temper the power and expansive quality of Blue.

(me) I feel like physically, I contracted here and brought my shoulders forward to hide my breasts. I was not proud of them, I was trying to minimize them so I wouldn't be harassed. I guess the posture I have now is much more "proud." "Walk like Marilyn Monroe" is what I called it when I was trying to have acceptance for my weight and still be attractive.

(MFGH) yes. Breasts are heart-expression. They are a manifestation of the Mother's generosity and desire to nurture her children. You could say that breasts got "sexualized," but this is not the right order of things. The heart center was a powerful connecting point between the sexes and this is part of the draw to them. An upright posture indicates an open heart, a strong heart, a willingness to put yourself out there.

(me) my heart feels very vulnerable right now.

(MFGH) yes it is a vulnerable place. But an upright posture indicates that you can take care of yourself in this realm.

So you do you take care of yourself here? There isn't a simple answer, nor one that is universal. Each person has to find their own way. But there are some principles.

One is that your own heart has to be in your own chest. You would be surprised at how many people literally "do not have a heart." There is a huge split between Heart and Body and the Energy Body (Rainbow) that we have talked about, but may be useful to revisit now.

(me) I am getting that these splits have been reenacted in our own bodies… I am seeing it as a branch of a tree that has gone off in a different direction than the trunk.

(MFGH) The good news is that the branch and tree are still attached, but farther back in time. You can "return" to this time and heal this split and "zip it up" so to speak.

Once your heart is in its right place, and can integrate with all of the other energy bodies, it has some built-in "shielding" so to speak, because it is in the center of your aura instead of riding out in front of it, or even more alone, far away from your body.

You also need to look at the cording from your heart, and the energy flow to and from others. It is right for heart to be a connecting place, so this can be tricky. But the first step is to get conscious of what is going on there.

You can use Indigo to look inwardly. You can use Orange to feel intuitively. You can consider the patterns in your relationships. You can notice when you feel energized by somebody and when you feel drained. You can note the sensations in your physical and etheric bodies.

(me) I think the last one is my orientation.

(MFGH) this is part of being a kinetic learner.

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