yesterday I felt this piece of my heart, poking out, like the stamen of a flower trying to attract bees… it felt so vulnerable and hurt from not getting what it needed… I don't know what to do about this…
(Mother) now you have a sense of my longing, and a sense of how I experienced my heart. Imagine my pain when this part of me left to go with what I was longing for.
(me) I don't know if I can imagine that, but it the experience did help me to get what it was like to "dangle" the heart "out there"—and I saw how it could be experienced as "bait."
(Mother) yes, it is an extremely sensitive part, and an extremely desirable part. The other side that "gobbled it up" just wanted the "bait" and did not recognize that this was part of me, that this was my offering… and that I would provide the grounding and depth to the relationship…
the gap between my heart and the rest of me is in part causal to the pattern of "falling out of love"…
this is also causal to female heart's sacrifice imprint. this has not been looked at. but there is a lot of sacrifice in "trying to get a man" and all of the machinations that women go through to "catch" one.
this is also causal to resentment between women—women who refuse to do this, resent the women that do it, because the ones that do it, end up getting the man.
beautiful women have an unseen privilege… "beautyism" is barely recognized as a phenomenon. People have deeply held judgments that beauty is a reflection of a choice that the essence made, and assume that the essence was "rewarded" with beauty. as you know there is all kinds of research about attributions that beautiful
people get the benefit of the doubt.
And there is some truth to this, and I love beauty… its just that some of what is ugly is a manifestation of judgments against the will and what the will is holding… which is especially frustrating when what we are holding actually belongs to the person who is judging us…
with acceptance, the "beauty" of creation can be seen—through the ugliness. and with healing, the essence manifesting "ugly" will be able to return to its original beauty.
when you see something ugly, note your response… you may have revulsion… and it is important to get to the bottom of this. what has been "dumped" there, in the essence that is reflecting what you want to turn away from?
the "beautiful" parts of the world are able to maintain that because they send their "trash" elsewhere. they put a lot of energy into the appearance of beauty. there is confusion that the appearance = essence. this is a fundamental truth, but it gets "messed up" when denial is present.
So whether you are beautiful or ugly, you need to reach across the gap there and find your opposite part. If you are beautiful, where is your ugliness? why is it ugly in the first place? what original judgments were put on it? If you are ugly, where is your beauty? this is a part of you. It belongs to you. you can have it. you deserve it. what are you holding in your compassion for lost will that you can release back to it's parental part now?
It is important to understand that there are some parental pieces that are opening to their lost will, and so the mother pieces can start to release what they are holding. It is also important to understand that the parental pieces are NOT opening to their lost will, and so the mother pieces don't feel right about releasing this.
please do not blame or judge the mother pieces here. they can only release as fast as there is reception for it. they do not want to loose any aspect of the will that wants acceptance.
the exception to this rule is unloving light. All pieces need to release this. God has acceptance here, and will redeem it or put it in its right place. you do NOT have to hold this any more.
I know many of you are terrified that in moving out the unloving light, the will presence holding it, will get even more denied and lost. You need to move your terror here, because you are actually clamping down on the process. The will can be trusted—if it is allowed to go through its own process. If you get the will vibrating that is holding the unloving light, it can release it.
And your intention and judgment releases can help this process. But don't hold back because of this fear.
We all need to work together. We all have different tasks. Please, if you don't understand the healing process of a different kind of "part," don't rush to judgment. You can't evaluate the progress of somebody else by the steps on your own path.
And if you are not clear about your own path, then forgive yourself here. There is good reason for you to be confused. And if you judge you own path as wrong, you need to release this judgment as well. This is deeply held in the will.
Lack of trust in the will being able to heal is a form of terror. This may need to move first before other layers can begin to move.
Remember that judgments are best release when the will that is "holding" them is vibrating. With the intent to move them out, and the intent to receive Loving Light, healing can happen fairly quickly.
(me) thank you.
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