[Note on abbreviations: FOM = Father of Manifestation, HS = Heart Son, HD = Heart Daughter, PW = Purple Woman, BW = Blue Woman, OH = Original Heart]
(me) MFGH? I have a question about how Blue Woman/the Third Creation emerged. Intellectually I feel like I must be involved in this organism, but I have not connected with this.
(MFGH) Lucifer comes into play, here. This is partly why the Third Creation was unloving.
(me) are you saying I am parental to Blue Woman?
(MFGH) we do not want you to misfire with your triggers here.
(MFGH) In the First Creation (Purple), all the Parts experienced opposition for the first time. They all experienced rivals for what they wanted. God vs FOM, both of them vs HS, Mother vs HD, all the HDs vs PW… so the competitive, win or loose feelings that came up around these experiences go way back, all the way back to the beginning. That is why they are called "primitive" by some, and yet their "refined" competition is just a different form of the same thing. Everybody has these feelings, and many have shame about them. In fact, the place that they have the most acceptance is in Body and in Blue. (Think of the "healthy competition" that is literally the foundation of business and sports.)
Many of you have judged these feelings as wrong, and have pushed them into these realms, or your denied feelings have found a home there, which has increased their presence there. It also increases the power in these realms, which has been abused.
There were also internal splits within each Part; especially the growing polarization between terror and rage in response to what they were encountering. We did not really understand emotions or emotional processes. The impulses seemed very discreet [as in separate]. We were encountering differentiation for the first time, and we did not have the distinctions between the differentiation that was—there is no word for this in English—"functional" or "formal" or "structural" or "planned" and the differentiations that were just the flow of experience; this feeling or that response or the perceptions of the unfoldment of evolution—what we have been calling fragmentation. So when rage wanted to go, it felt that it was a separate entity that had its own place, and we had no reason to doubt it.
Terror was a different situation, it did not want to go, it wanted to cling to us in fact, but we wanted it to go, and so justified our denial of it (when we were conscious of this decision) by saying that it was not a part of us.
Out of this context, Lucifer was born. He was totally unexpected in terms of the plans of Original Heart. We did not, as we discovered later, really exhaust all possibilities in our experimentations in OH. We did not know the pain that the Will would experience in separation, we did not know the resentment that would come up in response to separation—in fact, this was our Fatal Flaw. We had no anticipation of the feelings that would become Lucifer, and so there was no "plan" that would allow us to accept these feelings and prevent his manifestation in the first place.
The light end of the electro-magnetic specturm in OH that was the fastest wanted to push past the absolutes of the "speed of light" and on into infinity. From its point of view, why should speed ever have a limit? Why should expansion ever stop? Why should it be concerned with staying connected to the whole?
And on some level, this aspect is still accelerating. In fact, this is hard to put into words, but all of the intention to accelerate is continuing to act on our universe—this is the force of expansion, that has allowed our universe to increase in size, infinitely. The Will has "had to" open space for this expansion, and Body has "had to" fill it with manifestation.
So imagine that there is a continuum of speeds… from intention that wanted to go infinitely fast, through intention that wanted to go almost infinitely fast (which really means, this was the first position there are limits, because anything less than infinite had a finite speed); through intention that wanted to go very fast, then fast, then less than fast, then slower, etc.
If you can imagine the spectrum as a line, with the fastest end pulling ahead (and pushing out the leading "edge" of the universe in the process); and drawing out the almost infinitely fast, and this intention pulling out the very fast speed, and so on down the line.
And then you need to imagine the speed "next slowest to infinity" (which is the infinitely large rate of speed minus the infinitely small rate of speed)… and there you have the actual edge of the universe, because infinitely fast is already—"to infinity" (edgeless). In your terms, infinately fast is what is known as "possibility." Also "the future."
So, to understand Lucifer's experience… he is the farthest end of the desire to go infinitely fast… but to manifest being, he had to be limited…so when he reached the edge of the universe, he experienced his original frustration… that he had limits… he "hit the wall" so to speak… and this enraged him. And this rage imprinted him, shaped him… and wanted to destroy anything that limited him…
He is the manifestation of that which does not want to be "held back and down"… that is his anathema… and so he "aligned" with FOM/Blue's rage there… but you could also say he was the Original Cause of it on a different layer of the cake…
For why is being held back and down so ultimately disturbing to Blue? This is, in fact, one of the "accidental" artifacts of the unfoldment of creation.
When Lucifer hit the wall, he began his long, long journey back…but this is getting ahead of the story. We have said that began his journey in the orgasm in Blue. But to fully understand why this orgasm was so unloving, we have to go back even further, to the First Creation orgasm in Purple that created the Second Creation (Indigo). (Note: this is different from the Seventh Creation reenactment of it that is portrayed in the Books.)
To set the scene, we'll go back to the Yin Yang symbol. Purple has already been created. Some of the Will essence is within the Light--the PW/HD "dot" in the light. The rest is still in the darkness, except for its "dot" of light within it (the HS that bonded with the Mother early on). The two dots are connected by a wormhole (aka the remnant of OH, Grandfather's intention, Heart's mission, Grace).
In simple terms, "sex" begins to occur when the Mother essence starts to rise through the wormhole towards the Light. PW is at the "top" of this wormhole or "Mother tube." The Mother's magnetism begins to draw the Light towards the Mothertube—towards PW. The Light goes into the Mothertube through the PW. Then a Bridge begins to be manifested by the Father of Manifestation following the incipient "shape" of the situation through the Mothertube—if this is looking like male and female body parts, you are not wrong. The reconnection between the Light and the Will that begins to happen results in the "explosive" orgasm that creates more…well…creation.
The Will expands space…the sphere enlarges… and the next available Light on the spectrum fills it… in this case, a core of purple surrounded by a shere of indigo… and indigo has its first experience of being "lost in space"… as it rushes out into the void in all directions and leaves the space/form of the previous creation behind… manifestation streaming out behind it…
This experience both triggers and imprints the Light and all of Manifestation there—all of the Second Creation—all of Indigo, in other words…
We won't go into this in detail now, but will mention these impressions in the Light (we will leave it to you to determine your own judgments and imprints here):
I forgive myself for judging and believing for so long that:
- I am lost (when I am) in the dark.
- Going forward means loosing my way.
- Expansion means confronting nothingness.
- I am empty/Growing means I will be left with an emptiness inside.
- I wish I could have stayed in my comfort zone/I shouldn't have ventured forth.
- I want to return to my reverie/I want to crawl back into the "womb."
- Everywhere I look, I see darkness/I can't see the future.
- The plan is not the same as the experience.
- If the plan is not the same as the experience, the plan must have been wrong.
- If the plan is not the same as the experience, I must be doing it wrong.
- I shouldn't have had that orgasm.
- I can't control what I have manifested.
- I shouldn't be so powerful.
- I can't handle my creation.
- Desire is the source of my problems/desire is wrong.
- Sex is the source of my problems/sex is wrong.
- Manifestation is the source of my problems/manifestation is wrong.
(me) I am getting glimpses of a lot more that I want to record:
- Indigo judgment: I shouldn't have been born.
- Lucifer at the edge of the universe—disturbed the Asuras
- Will judgment: every time I try to go for what I want, part of me gets left behind
- Lucifer had presence in (sex with?) Indigo
- the unloving light flowed (?) into Blue
- Blue's desire to expand came from two sources: Luciferian light and Body's emerging consciousness of its power to manifest (?)
- limits looked like Death—the opposite of life
- the Asuras showed up in Indigo and caused death in Blue
- Green's response was reactionary… "pro love"
[to be continued--I'm not sure when.]
Hope....is the failure of Love
Hope....is the failure of Love
Hope...is the failure of Love.
And Love...is Hope's success.
(Feeling more positive today)
wow, that's deep!
glad you are feeling better.
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