Wednesday, January 31, 2007

a "note" on channeling

God has told me that from his perspective, all of the channelers are like different musical instruments that he plays... each one has its own tone, range, and cadence... each one is unique, and has its own contribution to the Whole...

Like instruments, one is not "better" than another, but we may have preferences, we may resonate more with one than another... and none of them can produce the whole Symphony...

All are necessary for that... So you may be a flute, or you may like the flutes the best... but flutes alone cannot express everything there is to express in Creation... we need the cello, the timpani... and we need more than the orchestra, we need the African drums, the South American Pan pipes...

Channeling is a Joyful Noise, and each of us has our Part to Play...

So I invite you to think of this as just one voice in the Chorus, and to Sing your own HeartSong... and share it here, if you feel so moved.

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