Note: this is a continuation of the channeling from 2006-11-10
(God) The "dot" in each side of the yin yang symbol that we talked about yesterday is another way of seeing the artifacts of the First Creation. Some will—from the Heart of the Mother, the Daughter of the Will—bonded with Spirit and manifest Purple. The rest of the Will was on the outside, wanting to get in… and also, the rest of the Will had its own "little" campfire going with the core of my Light (Grandfather). I am going to leave out the asuras for the moment to give you the (simplified) overview so you can get a sense how the various stories fit together.
This situation was the basis for the Second Creation (Indigo). In this creation we had the first awareness of Other, of our Duality, and of Perceiving that. It was also the first major split in my Light—and the first Witness of that.
There was also the recognition that I had Form in my creation now—and I saw it as a rival. So that was another split.
In fact, the Second creation is less like a world unto its own and more like multiple worlds with gaps between them. It was also the beginning of being able to differentiate Within… finding the inner worlds that corresponded to the outer. We did not have much sense of which was which at first… but eventually there was also Within and Without.
I did not understand the relationship of the inner and outer—how the outer was a reflection for me. It was like I "woke up" and suddenly saw myself within a reality. Before the reality was within me.
But Indigo is a connecting point, or should I say tube, between the inner and the outer, as it allows one to "see" behind the surfaces of the outer reality so to speak. It is the wormhole that connects the First and Second attentions.
In the subsequent creations, Indigo developed direct relationship with each of the Chakras. In that way it is like Heart, but it does not do the balancing, just the reflecting. It does have to balance within itself to do this.
It is also related to the subconscious, especially dreams. It collects up the "data" from the rest of the chakras and projects them into our inner landscape each night.
In this way, it could be said that Indigo is more easily seen in the dark. In the light of day it disappears. This is why it can be helpful to shut your eyes when you are meditating. It blocks out the distractions of the First Attention.
Ideally you would be seeing the world in Super Stereo Vision, with both Attentions informing you, and your brain and body interpreting the data and giving you a multi-dimensional inner model of reality.
In a Whole Person, the whole being responds to what Indigo sees, and also, completes the loop by giving Indigo information from each Chakra's perspective.
Looking at the "substance" of Indigo is like looking at the gross anatomy of the brain… it doesn't tell you anything about the function. It is the electro-chemical activity within that creates the world that we perceive.
The space between the synapses is another reflection of Indigo's form. Without this space, the billions of ways to connect each nerve cell to its neighbors would not be possible. It allows the chemical messengers in this space to move towards single or multiple receptor centers. It allows for the polarization of positive and negative charges within each nerve cell to draw the electrical impulses along the neural pathways at lightening speed.
Indigo has a synthetic function that is easily overlooked because you take it for granted. Because you "see the world" from that chakra, asking you to look at the chakra is like asking you to look back at yourselves, or a fish to see water. But Indigo is the location for the default assemblage point of your minds.
(me) wow, thank you.
(God) Indigo is also the manifestation point for hallucinations and delusions. These are outpicturings that are perceived as reality in the First Attention. This implies that the impulses for the outpicturings are coming from somewhere else, and this is correct. The problems are in the inability to distinguish First and Second Attentions.
FOM had this problem when he felt like the world should be "his movie" in the story of Purple Woman. In one way he was right, as he was a creator-being, but he did not understand the role of manifestation to reflect the state of the creator-being as it is or was creating. And he certainly had no understanding of how to change his reflection. He was making the transition from the internalized dreamlike state in Purple to the establishment of the external, and he did not know how to distinguish them yet.
Western medicine intervenes at the level of electro-chemical activity in the brain to "correct" this confusion. It treats the mechanism that causes the "symptoms" but does not change the "cause" of the problem—why the chemistry is off in the first place—which as you are starting to get, has a deeper cause.
In terms of whether movement is healing it or not—you can get some healing by moving in response to what you perceive, as what your indigo is projecting is an artifact of input from other layers of reality—but this is not the same thing as moving the source of either the projection or the confusion problem. And if you are hallucinating or having a delusion, you have to first recognize yourself doing this, which is very difficult, giving you are experiencing your projection in the First Attention.
Taking meds to stop the "mistake" in the apprehension of reality can actually be helpful so that you can get your bearings, so to speak. But the cost of this (so far) is the "flattening of affect" kind of side effect, which makes it difficult to move when you do get in touch with what is under the problem.
(me) I am getting glimmers of other things… first off, of why healing is so hard it you have a problem in Indigo… and also why the idea of "wholeness" doesn't appeal to me as much as "balance"…
(God) The other issue in Indigo that I mentioned was the presence of a Witness—particularly a witness to this early "smack"—the aspect of reality that sees. This is complex, so I will talk about it from various angles.
When people say God is omniscient they are alluding to My Indigo aspect—the Spirit side of Indigo. Many conceptualize this as the song says: "he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good…" And based on what I see, you will get rewards or punishments. So Spirits began to try and hide parts of themselves from me, which essentially meant, hiding those parts from themselves.
But somehow, something always "knows" about what is hidden, be it in the form of lost will, the Gap, the unconscious, lost memory, or the Akashic Records. And Indigo is the connecting link that allows these to be perceived before, during, or after they are recovered. It is very important to allow the intuition to lead here—the Will side of Indigo—and not try to make logical sense out of it or impose language on it as that will shut it down. It can be like allowing information to "rise up" rather than "peering in."
I also wanted to hide parts of myself from myself. I lost memory, in the beginning. The splits in my light were already forming Luciferian and Ahrimanic energy. I did not understand that I was creating them out of my denials, let alone that they were a part of Me. I did not even know what they were doing.
But Something knew. This was to become one of my greatest allies in my own healing process ultimately, but in the beginning (and many times along the way) I did not want to be connected to it, because I did not want to know, because I had already judged myself as wrong, and this thing pressed on me and made me feel guilty. It has also been called a "conscience."
It is important to allow this pressure to trigger your movement so that you can move out guilt and receive the information from your own inner witness with compassion for yourself. You have to be willing to receive if you want to know the truth about yourself.
(Mother) From the Will side, my Indigo aspect started out as the ability to see my own inner glow. It was pleasing to me. I felt vast, but also, alone. You know that story very well, so I will not repeat it here. What I do want to bring forward is that the Smack damaged my upper chakras as well. I hesitate to say this, but Indigo has involvement here as it was part of what made the unloving light able to find me. It opened to the light, and was deeply penetrated by the light. This is part of the reason why it has had such a tortured existence. Indigo-will-fragments' own spirits were essentially denied light.
The Heart of Indigo there, the attracting and reaching link, the invisible tube to the other side, has guilt that it caused the damage, as it "knew" about what was brewing on the Male side, and did not communicate to the rest of us. It secretly wanted to get this light for itself. Well that is how it was perceived by my rage. I think it just wanted to open to the light.
This is not wrong, as on another dimension Indigo is the opening to Purple through which the light comes down. Indigo has a hungriness. This has been seen by some as a hungriness for power. But it was fed unlovingness, something indigestible, and then when Blue and Purple gapped, it lots its direct connections to each side which made the flow of light through Indigo slow down and even stop.
Some of Indigo aligned with the Ahrimanic side of God, the distant observer, as it seemed like the problems were in the lower chakras, and it would be best to withdraw from the fray to get an objective view. The will side was rather quickly overloaded, and fragmented easily. This fragmentation has contributed to Indigo's problem, and is usually the first thing that people deal with—just getting enough essence present to even start to function.
Indigo has a quality of fluidity, like water, as it seems to go "out" into space and get information. This is partly because of its affinity for worm holes, and partly because space is different in the Second Attention.
This quality is what enabled Lucifer to hone in on us when the Smack came down. Indigo believed that it was responsible for providing Lucifer with such easy access. A direct link. There were other factors in play, but this part of Indigo has felt that it should not be used, that anything received is the Devil's handiwork, and is actually part of the persecution of aspects of Indigo that functioned.
So yes, aspects of Indigo Daughter has betrayed its Indigo family because it felt that Purple could provide some protection and stop a reenactment from happening.
Hi Sapphire. Thanks so much for sharing this material. I find indigo intriguing and mysterious so this information is welcome. At one point in the channeling, there was a comment made about structural body changes as a result of OC (in relation to brain density in bipolar people). Has MFGH ever offered an opinion on whether a body change of this depth would be able to take effect in the current incarnation if the OC gap it is reflecting is resolved--or would body need to wait until it would be reborn again in another incarnation to manifest this type of a change.
Hi Johnny. Thanks for posting!
Funny you should mention this question, it is a burning one for me right now. I also have to admit I am kind of afraid of the answer. So I haven't gotten anything definitive on this so far, but consider it in the question-hopper.
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