Thursday, September 20, 2007

how Guilt impacts the Aura


Note: this builds on the previous entry. I cut out the beginning of this channeling, as it was more personal advice. I was asking how to balance all of the things I want and need to do in my daily life.

(MFGH) ...Your will is really what can "feel" the stream of Grace. It is the "target" of the stream… what receives it's benefits. Grace is always offering that pathway to the will's highest interest; it is up to your spirit to pay attention, learn what following this is like, and align with that path in theory and practice.

Yes there will be bumps along the way… that is because your will needs its triggers to get to the held feelings.

And of course there are the collective bumps… everything from a 3.5 to a 9.0 on the Richter scale. And like earthquakes, the more frequent smaller ones can help relieve the pressure. But it may take the bigger ones to get at the depth needed.

From the "overview" perspective, it is not wrong if you find yourself at the epicenter of a big bump [e.g. the manifestation of an Earth Change]. That is an indication that that is what you needed. But of course in the actual experience of it, it can feel very wrong indeed.

The question is what control do you have over this. The more you move, the more you listen to your will, the more you accept the held feelings in the Survival chakra, the less traumatic your healing process will be.

You are wondering "what happened to you" last night… well some of your essence returned, as you intended in your ritual. When previously lost essence comes in, it does not have the "benefits" of being medicated. It is "crabby"!

Some of this essence came in from your Mom. She is holding some of your lost rage, that you judged as unloving. And it was unloving, in the sense that it held lost light.

The question of how rage aligns with lost light is important to understand. Yes is can be as blatant as Lucifer coming to it and promising power if you let him in… but it can also be a lot more subtle. And it can also be a result of a smack… the smack itself splits the rage out violently, as the energy of the smack needs to have somewhere to "go." The unloving light that is received goes to the essence that has an affinity to it—either self-hate (usually terror polar), which thinks it has to receive it (and deserves to be punished) or other-hate (usually rage polar) that wants to give it right back to the sender (revenge). I am simplifying things here to give you a mental diagram of what can happen.

In the self-hate scenario, the smack bounces back and forth between the will essence and the presence of guilt and continues to reinforce the smack and reimprint its message. This, of course, is very painful to the will.

So it is important that will that is self-hating to know that it needs to release the unloving light back out that is trapped in there with it under guilt. The trick is to get the impetus from "underneath" both the guilt, the light, and the imprints, to get all the way down to the base line of the will there, and vibrate out from there, releasing the imprints, releasing the light, and making a "doorway" for them to leave you by pushing the guilt out of your aura which is holding everything in.

Guilt is essentially a boundary, a "no man's zone," where light and vibration do no pass through. It is what is supposed to be between creation and the void. It gets entangled in the magnetic essence and keeps what is under it from getting the light.

The magnetic essence shrinks back from it, and slows down its vibration. This only opens space for more guilt to be present.

You can have guilt at any level of your aura. So it can be present in any layer of the "onion" that is you, and keep the flow of energy from coming in or out "horizontally" (actually spherically). Another way to put it, is that it warps your energy field, and therefore, your ability to project the reality that you want or receive what you need in order to manifest it.

Homeopathy and Chinese Medicine understand this model, and they try to deal with things on the surface level before they work their way "in." They also try to heal things one layer at a time, from the outside in.

This matches our model, in that if you have a shell or partial of guilt blocking you, you need to "crack it" in order for the unloving light that you are holding to get out, and the loving light you need to get in.

But you also have an "innermost in" connection to the Mother that can help you work from the inside out. In fact it will empower her if you draw on this with the intent that she help you release the unloving light. As this happens, she will be able to open space and draw the loving light instead.

Each person has a different degree of guilt "shielding" at each of the layers of the aura. These of course correspond to the imprints in each chakra that shape the projection of each layer of the aura out from the chakra. So one way to get in touch with that status of your own aura is to feel into/look into each chakra and then follow the energy from that chakra outward.

Your recent breakthrough with your posture was parallel to a "cracking" of the energy body guilt-shields and allowing that part of the chakra column to project outwards again. As you know it has involved a lot of rearrangement of the habit patterns of how you hold your body. Your physical body is the center or innermost layer of your aura, so when you get things moving here, this is a good sign.

So in the same way that you can start with your inner connection to the Mother, you can also start with your body to do release. Release is a physical process. It can clear stuff out if you are allowing the will to express through your body. Body work can trigger this release, but if it (unloving light or denial or imprint or judgment) doesn't work its way all the way out through the layers of your aura, the change does not stick because you will still be holding it at some level.

This is why you have that tendency of thinking you have learned a lesson, but having a trigger come around again. You have moved the problem out to some degree, but have not moved it all the way out.

If you have these guilt-shields, you can end up feeling very "pushed around", because other people's energy has something to push against. This is not exactly what happens, but it is a pretty close analogy. If you are not letting your true response through you, to keep yourself "flushed out," other people's energy can get lodged in your aura and especially between layers of the guild-shield. They of course have a least a worm-hole connection to it, if not an actually intention-cord, and so can "move you around" with this.

It is good to visualize the release of such things, but it is really the vibration that actually does the work of moving them out. The visualization is more like setting the intention. It does not have the "inside out" information about the energy constellation that feeling it from the inside has. Allowing the will's process to just flow is the "safest" way to work with this. It is the same as following Grace.

(me) Wow, thank you. I am just starting to be able to distinguish some of the details of my chakras and set their openness/closedness so I will start trying to feel the layers of my aura.

(MFGH) you can use you inner eye to look as well. This is valid information, but it has less dimensionality than using your "inner hand" in conjunction with it.

an opening in blue-green


Dear MFGH,

Today I listened to my heart when I got the echocardiogram. It was very interesting. Kind of scary, actually.

I am also paying a lot of attention to my "blue-green" chakra? connector? since I had the breakthrough in yoga to arch the very top of my thorasic area. I could feel the space between each vertebre open up and energy shine up and out. It was such a trip. Now I am working on rolling that open, and allowing the rest of the bones to settle into place. Also strengthening the upper back to hold the shoulderblades back and down. Hmm, there is that back and down thing again.

Anyway, that part of my upper chest is now pointing "up" to a much greater degree. So I am wondering if on an energetic level my upper heart is opening up. Well actually I know it is. I guess I am wondering what it means. What is the function of that part of the spectrum? I love the turquoise colors so.

(MFGH) This part of the spectrum was rebuffed by Blue. Many times. Green wanted to give its input to Blue, to bring more heart presence their am mediate/moderate/temper the power and expansive quality of Blue.

(me) I feel like physically, I contracted here and brought my shoulders forward to hide my breasts. I was not proud of them, I was trying to minimize them so I wouldn't be harassed. I guess the posture I have now is much more "proud." "Walk like Marilyn Monroe" is what I called it when I was trying to have acceptance for my weight and still be attractive.

(MFGH) yes. Breasts are heart-expression. They are a manifestation of the Mother's generosity and desire to nurture her children. You could say that breasts got "sexualized," but this is not the right order of things. The heart center was a powerful connecting point between the sexes and this is part of the draw to them. An upright posture indicates an open heart, a strong heart, a willingness to put yourself out there.

(me) my heart feels very vulnerable right now.

(MFGH) yes it is a vulnerable place. But an upright posture indicates that you can take care of yourself in this realm.

So you do you take care of yourself here? There isn't a simple answer, nor one that is universal. Each person has to find their own way. But there are some principles.

One is that your own heart has to be in your own chest. You would be surprised at how many people literally "do not have a heart." There is a huge split between Heart and Body and the Energy Body (Rainbow) that we have talked about, but may be useful to revisit now.

(me) I am getting that these splits have been reenacted in our own bodies… I am seeing it as a branch of a tree that has gone off in a different direction than the trunk.

(MFGH) The good news is that the branch and tree are still attached, but farther back in time. You can "return" to this time and heal this split and "zip it up" so to speak.

Once your heart is in its right place, and can integrate with all of the other energy bodies, it has some built-in "shielding" so to speak, because it is in the center of your aura instead of riding out in front of it, or even more alone, far away from your body.

You also need to look at the cording from your heart, and the energy flow to and from others. It is right for heart to be a connecting place, so this can be tricky. But the first step is to get conscious of what is going on there.

You can use Indigo to look inwardly. You can use Orange to feel intuitively. You can consider the patterns in your relationships. You can notice when you feel energized by somebody and when you feel drained. You can note the sensations in your physical and etheric bodies.

(me) I think the last one is my orientation.

(MFGH) this is part of being a kinetic learner.