Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mother on Beauty


yesterday I felt this piece of my heart, poking out, like the stamen of a flower trying to attract bees… it felt so vulnerable and hurt from not getting what it needed… I don't know what to do about this…

(Mother) now you have a sense of my longing, and a sense of how I experienced my heart. Imagine my pain when this part of me left to go with what I was longing for.

(me) I don't know if I can imagine that, but it the experience did help me to get what it was like to "dangle" the heart "out there"—and I saw how it could be experienced as "bait."

(Mother) yes, it is an extremely sensitive part, and an extremely desirable part. The other side that "gobbled it up" just wanted the "bait" and did not recognize that this was part of me, that this was my offering… and that I would provide the grounding and depth to the relationship…

the gap between my heart and the rest of me is in part causal to the pattern of "falling out of love"…

this is also causal to female heart's sacrifice imprint. this has not been looked at. but there is a lot of sacrifice in "trying to get a man" and all of the machinations that women go through to "catch" one.

this is also causal to resentment between women—women who refuse to do this, resent the women that do it, because the ones that do it, end up getting the man.

beautiful women have an unseen privilege… "beautyism" is barely recognized as a phenomenon. People have deeply held judgments that beauty is a reflection of a choice that the essence made, and assume that the essence was "rewarded" with beauty. as you know there is all kinds of research about attributions that beautiful
people get the benefit of the doubt.

And there is some truth to this, and I love beauty… its just that some of what is ugly is a manifestation of judgments against the will and what the will is holding… which is especially frustrating when what we are holding actually belongs to the person who is judging us…

with acceptance, the "beauty" of creation can be seen—through the ugliness. and with healing, the essence manifesting "ugly" will be able to return to its original beauty.

when you see something ugly, note your response… you may have revulsion… and it is important to get to the bottom of this. what has been "dumped" there, in the essence that is reflecting what you want to turn away from?

the "beautiful" parts of the world are able to maintain that because they send their "trash" elsewhere. they put a lot of energy into the appearance of beauty. there is confusion that the appearance = essence. this is a fundamental truth, but it gets "messed up" when denial is present.

So whether you are beautiful or ugly, you need to reach across the gap there and find your opposite part. If you are beautiful, where is your ugliness? why is it ugly in the first place? what original judgments were put on it? If you are ugly, where is your beauty? this is a part of you. It belongs to you. you can have it. you deserve it. what are you holding in your compassion for lost will that you can release back to it's parental part now?

It is important to understand that there are some parental pieces that are opening to their lost will, and so the mother pieces can start to release what they are holding. It is also important to understand that the parental pieces are NOT opening to their lost will, and so the mother pieces don't feel right about releasing this.

please do not blame or judge the mother pieces here. they can only release as fast as there is reception for it. they do not want to loose any aspect of the will that wants acceptance.

the exception to this rule is unloving light. All pieces need to release this. God has acceptance here, and will redeem it or put it in its right place. you do NOT have to hold this any more.

I know many of you are terrified that in moving out the unloving light, the will presence holding it, will get even more denied and lost. You need to move your terror here, because you are actually clamping down on the process. The will can be trusted—if it is allowed to go through its own process. If you get the will vibrating that is holding the unloving light, it can release it.

And your intention and judgment releases can help this process. But don't hold back because of this fear.

We all need to work together. We all have different tasks. Please, if you don't understand the healing process of a different kind of "part," don't rush to judgment. You can't evaluate the progress of somebody else by the steps on your own path.

And if you are not clear about your own path, then forgive yourself here. There is good reason for you to be confused. And if you judge you own path as wrong, you need to release this judgment as well. This is deeply held in the will.

Lack of trust in the will being able to heal is a form of terror. This may need to move first before other layers can begin to move.

Remember that judgments are best release when the will that is "holding" them is vibrating. With the intent to move them out, and the intent to receive Loving Light, healing can happen fairly quickly.

(me) thank you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Heart--The Master Assemblage Point

What follows is a compilation of four sessions. I have done light editing, but there may be some disconnections between sessions.


Note: I asked about future events.

(MFGH) You can access this information yourself by treating your will as your own personal oracle. You also have the option of accessing information like this through any location on your Heart Channel. [This is an energy channel between Indigo, Green and Orange, often connected in meditating by running energy in a figure eight, or around two touching spheres.]

Each position will give you a slightly different perspective. The Indigo doorway will give you visions and understandings about the shape of the energies involved. The Heart doorway will give you information about the connections between the parts and the balance between them. The Hara doorway will give you direct information about the nature of the energies and entities involved. And of course you can ask us.

But it will empower you, especially in your role of Indigo Seer, to learn how to "use" your own instrument and trust your ability to do so. Yes, you have a sound instrument. It has its own shape, tone, and resonance in Our eyes, and this is not wrong. We can get from you what we can't get from anyone else. This is why everyone is a precious and necessary part of creation. Even the fragments are necessary. They hold the vibration that was not wanted in the original parent part. We would not want this vibration to go away! Creation would have long been dead if this was the case.

(me) thank you. That is really cool about the three doorways.

(MFGH) this is part of our lesson about "mind". Imagine you capacity to interact when you are able to see the energy flow, the connections and balances, and know about the essence involved all in one apprehension. In fact we would like you to practice t his. We would like you to put a sections on your website of assignments or exercises for people to do.

(me) cool!

(MFGH) but that is for the future. For now, let us look together at your questions through each of the doorways. Which question do you want to focus on?


(me) Okay here is a topic: the Second Attention. [See Castaneda]

(God) this is a big topic. And it is related to Indigo. There is an assemblage point in what is called the "third eye." By assemblage point I mean a place where you can access or perceive different layers of reality. But it is more than that, because perception is an activity. It is not just a passive receiving of something "out there." It is creating a relationship between yourself and out there. It is a particular kind of manifestation. It is "assembling" data and making meaning out of it.

In some layers of reality, you can manipulate what it out there more easily. Lucid dreaming is the most common experience of this. So is learning to quiet the mind, lower the blood pressure, increase energy flow, etc. Meditation can strengthen one's power to affect reality, at least at the level of one's own body-being. Practicing an art or craft is also very good for this.

We are always connected to the Second Attention, its just that we are not usually conscious of what is happening there, let alone conscious of our impact on it and how we are creating our reality in the First Attention through it. We—including you, including humanity—are incredibly creative beings. For a long time I (God) did not understand how I was creating the reflections I was seeing. The role of denial was unseen.

However there were parts of Creation that did understand some of the ways that I was creating reality, in that they were witness to my shadow and knew it was a part of me. This was fragmented knowledge, and in many cases what was witnessed was denied again, because it seemed pointless or even dangerous to bring this lost knowledge forward.

So the whole creative function of the Creations was "broken." We lost the Original Vision (the blueprint and dream) that motivated us in Original Heart. We thought we would create something beautiful and loving. But we even forgot about that, for the most part. It seemed "real" to us that we were victims of our own Creation.

Essentially we all became disconnected assemblage points. We each had our own point of view, and we did not know how to connect them together for the purpose of manifesting our dreams. We were like an orchestra, out of tune, each musician having a different piece of music, sitting wherever, and no conductor.

So now we are trying to figure out:
• what is my instrument? (what is my personal and transpersonal identity?)
• where is my section? (what is my right place?)
• how does my piece of music fit in to the whole symphony? (what is my contribution?)
• how can I tune my instrument to match everyone else? (what is the balance point?)
• who or what is keeping the tempo? (what is Grace?)

This does not even address the problems of damaged instruments with missing pieces, or whole sections of the orchestra being gone, let alone the state of the musician's themselves.

Without the contributions of the whole orchestra, it is not possible to build an overview, and without an overview, it is a lot harder to coordinate the whole. This is why it is so important that everyone in Creation develop a relationship with Me, as "overview" is my thang.

I am speaking on the Macro level, of course, but I would also like to speak about the Micro level.

Each of you have multiple points of view within you, actually multiple assemblage points. And so you need to bring these in to harmony within, just as we need to bring their main Body of God counterparts into harmony without.

I recommend starting with your third eye (in indigo) and your hara (in orange). These can work together (mediated by heart in green) to give you a rich understanding of reality, and more.

The first step is to identify what these two assemblage points are already doing, automatically, without you having to do anything about it. This may begin as a conceptual process, but try to include the feeling aspect of it as well. Your goal is to shift from the "throught about" these naturally occurring processes to "being present with" them to "being them."

On a parallel track there are "feelings about" the processes that have to be worked through.

You can try the exercise on the GodChannel site. Some people find this helpful.


Okay thanks, lets continue this tomorrow.


(MFGH) I would like to start with a model of perception that you [Sapphire] already know. I am talking about perception in our ordinary (First Attention) reality. This model breaks down the steps that happen in perception into discreet parts. Remember that this is constantly happening, so as you process each moment's input, you are also finishing up the process from the previous moment and anticipating the next moment. This leaves a seamless sense of reality unfolding over time.

In order for you to experience this for yourself, you need to pay close attention to what is happening moment-to-moment. There are various ways to do this, but the goal is to get "here," "now." If you think about it, that is where and when this process of perception is happening, so this is the only way to get present with it: to be where and when it is. Here. Now.

Sapphire, please give the "perception lecture."

(me) okay, here goes:

First let me say that this is about perception on the mental level. There are emotional inputs and responses that can make a big difference to the "reality" that we perceive, but I am going to separate them out and just talk about what goes on in the mind.

First I will give you an overview of the process, then we will go into a bit of detail about each step. For this example, we will narrow it down to one sense: sight. Here is the process:

objects of perception--> selection (what gets our attention)--> interpretation (meaning) --> categorization --> value judgement --> "reality" manifests

objects of perception
this is what is "out there." In our example, let us say that it we are in a dining room. There is a window with window coverings, a painting, a chandelier, a table and chairs, furniture with dishes, etc in it, and a bowl of fruit on the table.

out of the field of light, shadow, form and color that is the raw data of light bouncing off of the objects and into our eye, certain things catch our attention. The first thing to consider is that we can only see a certain spectrum of light-energy.

The next question is what causes some things to catch our attention? To understand this fully, we need to understand what is going on for the person at the moment of perception.

There are certain conditions that "prime" us to notice certain things:
• salient data (if we are hungry, we are going to notice the apple in the fruit bowl)
• expected data (if we are visiting a home of a new friend that has a good fashion sense, we might expect that it would be tastefully decorated, so we would notice whether our expectations were met or not)
• relevant data (things are relevant to us depending on what we already know, so if we knew something about art, we would notice the painting.)

There are also things about the environment itself that attract attention:
• changing data (if the room was still and a mouse suddenly scurried across the floor, the movement itself would draw our attention)
• repetitive data (if there were repeated design elements in the room, like colors or shapes, we would notice that)
• unique data (if the bowl was unusual in some way, it would stand out)

here is where we identify what the objects are. The raw data resolves into table, chairs, windows, fruit, etc. We do this by comparing what we are looking at with what we already know. So our entire history has bearing on what we see.

A classic story of the importance of having seen similar things previously comes out of anthropology. Some folks who lived in the rain forest for their whole lives saw a meadow for the first time. They had never seen open space before. On the meadow were livestock grazing. As they had never looked over a distance before, they had no concept of perspective, that things farther away were smaller. They thought that the livestock were insects against a field of green.

in this instance we identify where the objects of perception fit into our scheme of things. We put them into our "cognitive structures" or "schema." There are many types of cognitive structures that we compare the objects in:
• prototype (when I mentioned an apple, did you think of a red, green, or yellow one? Did it have a stem? A leaf? Whatever you thought of was your "prototypical" apple. When I have asked my students what color their apples were, they were surprisingly distributed across the color categories.)
• stereotype (does the room match your stereotypical expectations of the kind of dining room that your kind of friend has? does it match the expectations that you have considering his or her gender, orientation, ethnicity, class, age, etc?)
• implicit personality theories (does your friend have an introverted or extroverted personality? Do the colors in the room match your expectations based on her personality type?)
• attribution theories (this is about whether we attribute the cause of something to the person--things in their control--or their circumstances—things outside of their control. Say the room was messy. Would you think that she was a messy person, or would you think that unexpected things going on in her life precluded her form tidying up?)
• scripts (these are expectations about how things should unfold. Did your friend make the "requisite" statement apologizing about the state of the room? Or do you know her to be the kind of person who wouldn't follow those kinds of rules?)

Remember that all of this is happening in a moment! And continuously.

Finally, we have

value judgment
Once we have located the object in a category, the value that we place on that category determines the value of the object. The basic distinctions are whether something is good or bad, whether we like or dislike it, etc. But in reality there are gray areas.

For example, we could recognize that the painting is "good" by how it compares to the standards of the class of painting that it is; a "good" landscape. But maybe we don't like landscapes, so that while we could say that the painting is "objectively" good, we still are put off by it.

Or another example, say the painting is a good one, and we like it, but it does not "go with" the style of the rest of the room.

And then on top of these judgments are the ones about whether the room is "nice" or not, or if we have more developed categories (cognitive schema) in the realm of interior design, whether it is "successful" or not, and then how this reflects on the character of your friend. Is design a criteria for your evaluation of her? Or could you care less?

Again, this all happens in a flash. To give you an example from my own life:

I was driving my car down a street in a town that used to be ranchland, and still had ranches at the edge of it. I glanced at two people walking on the sidewalk. The shorter one had a white beard. I noticed this because it was a bit unusual. I interpreted this person as an older man. I categorized him as a rancher, and assumed that his companion was his son. I got a warm feeling about the father and son strolling down the street. I approved of them.

An instant later I looked back at them and discovered that the father and son were actually a man and a woman. The woman had been putting on a white visor, and at the moment I had glanced at her, it was under her chin. Now it was on her head. I was astonished at how much I made up about these people in such a short time.

This brings us to the question of the accuracy of our perceptions—which I define as "functional representations of reality." There are several things that determine this:
• the complexity of our cognitive categories.
• flexibility of our categories
• strength of our assumptions about the cause of behavior
• fundamental attribution error
• "mindfulness"

There is more, but I will stop now.


[MFGH suggested that I do some meditation.]

Wow—I got a lot of info from each of my chakras… and I got a sense of Heart being the Master Assemblage Point…especially for my connection with my fragments and with other people… where the "web" hooks in to me… I got that it was at a point slightly towards my physical heart, left of my heart chakra, and slightly above my heart chakra.

The connecting cord was shaped more like a funnel than a line, but had a main direction… I wonder what the main direction is all about?

(MFGH) the main direction, or connection, is your relationship to the Main Web—which is a roughly spherical network that surrounds the Earth, about a meter from the surface. The Oceans and Mountains change the configuration and add their own energies to it, but that is for another time.

Each person has a main "orientation" to this layer of manifestation. Imagine that everyone is an egg-shaped being… and the eggs are floating in the “sea” that is the Web… some tilted forwards, back, or to the side… some sitting higher, some lower… because each person is hooked in at their own master assemblage point, which determines their “angle.”

And as you got in your meditation, this connection with "all your relations," as the Lakota say, is focused on in so many teachings because it has the most "leverage" in terms of influencing and being influenced by the Web. Many teachers want you to heal the planet with love, or to send out light through your heart chakra, or to accept Jesus into your heart, or to only have loving thoughts and feelings, etc. They are asking you to move energy through your Master Assemblage Point to heal the planet.

And this is not wrong, this is Heart's right place in fact, but as you well know, the imprints and fragmentation in heart and in all of the chakras has prevented this from happening in a way that includes the Will and does not increase denial.

The good news is now that you know that, you can begin to use your assemblage points and your heart connections in a healing way. And the process of trying to do this will no doubt bring up your issues in relation to Heart. And this is a good thing, especially if you have intent to release your judgments and receive and express your feelings. In fact if you are having a reaction to this idea, then you have your doorway into what needs to be moved so that the Web can be reclaimed by Loving Light and We can assist in the planetary healing.

(me) wow, thank you. This explains a lot.

(God) Pay attention to the push/pull in and through your heart in connection with the outside world. Know that you do have a degree of choice in what you let out and let in. It mostly has to do with intent. Your light-being knows what it has to do in order to open, close, shield you, etc. once it starts becoming more "fluid" as you move and release judgments.

We have been talking about energy moving on a horizontal plane. To add the vertical “tubular” reality to all of this, notice that you can discern how open a person is to Loving Light (above them) and the Mother (below them) by feeling the quality and quantity of what is coming through your heart connection. This is in part why you feel drawn to some people and repelled by others.

Your heart connection is also where you can find agreements about giving and getting light from each other.

(me) what about your Decree that we can't get light from each other, we have to get it from you directly?

(God) This is true. And it is also true that each of you has a role to play in the Great Circulation. But you all have a connection with me, and although this relationship is evolving, I am still the Source of Light. I want everyone to work through their issues with me. I want to heal my relationships with everyone and everything. If you choose not to, then you must move back. I need my space just as much as anyone does.

But any part of you that wants to receive me will be allowed to stay. And I am not saying that it is wrong for you to have the thoughts and feelings of wanting to reject me. I want to hear this, and I want to know why. I want to receive your expression of the pain of our separation.

(me) thank you. but it’s difficult to trust sometimes. It’s difficult to trust you, and to trust that I am receiving you.

(God) yes, and with good reason. So we have to rebuild trust, moment by moment, step by step. We have to release what has held in response to the places we have betrayed each other. I want you to know that I will be there with you.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Origins of Unloving Light


Note: this is a continuation of the previous channeling post.

(MFGH) Let's do some more work on the role of Indigo in mind, etc.

(me) okay.

(MFGH) do you have any questions?

(me) I guess I want to know more about the Second Creation and if there is an Indigo Woman and my role there.

(MFGH) One thing I have alluded to is Lucifer's participation in the Second Creation. Again, it is important to sort out the original Second Creation from the later reenactments. To set the scene: We have had our first taste of Manifestation. We have had our first experience of Other—Other as adversary. We have had our first experience of Forgetting, and our first experience with the Void. From one perspective, we were still One, exploring all of the corners and edges of the Universe, but from our experience of it, we had lost that consciousness, we had lost our connections with each other, we were experiencing Loss for the first time. And this tremendous grief did not even have a name. It did not remember what it was missing. And the Mother carried this grief in her essence.

The part of Heart that was still with her—most of Heart, actually—had the impulse for connections, for reaching across the void, for traveling forth. I am speaking of the Yang polarization of her heart right now. There was also the Yin aspect of it, which wanted to receive the Light, which was doing its best to draw it to her.

We have spoken of the guilt that the Yang part had, for reaching so far out that it split off from the rest of her, but we have not spoken of the guilt that the Yin part had for "drawing the smack" as it interpreted events. This part has been confused because it feels it is more than just the victim here, it feels that it was the reason that the smack came. It has identified with the Mother and the Mother's position, but it has felt uneasy about this because it has also identified with the Daughter-as-perpetrator role.

It has felt as if the Mother had a big target painted on her that said "hit me," and it has felt like the center of that bull's eye.

There is guilt in both Mother and Daughter for wanting penetration, for wanting the Light to reach down all the way into the core and beyond. If we add some dimensionality to this image, imagine that the target it painted on the surface, with Yellow at the top and Orange and Red deeper in. Yellow pointed the way to Red, or rather, was the Doorway to Red. It drew the light and opened to the light, but then there was unloving light to contend with, and by the time that this moved towards the Will, Yellow did not know to close.

Orange and Red had not fully opened yet, and this was in part why they got blasted away by the unloving light. It did not have any where to go when it was not received, and so pushed on the essence instead.

So what does all of this have to do with the Second Creation?

Indigo foresaw this on some level. Indigo knew that there was Light essence that wanted unlimited speed and did not "care" how it felt to receive this light. In fact this essence did not really understand that the other end of its polarity, the Will, was what opened space for the Light to speed into. Because it was on the leading edge of Creation, it did not perceive anything "out in front" of it opening space. At this very edge was pleasure, was the Joy and Ecstasy of Virgin Penetration, and it never wanted it to stop.

This essence, this momentum, was unleashed in the Original Explosion that sundered Original Heart into the "pieces" of Deity. It was what was needed to push on the Will's squeeze. This was the first "permission" to rev up as fast as it could go. For this essence, the explosion was Orgasmic. It has sought to recreate this experience from an imprint level. It imprinted that it's orgasm was what "killed" the Will, and to kill the will was Orgasmic.

So while what gave it its orgasm was the resistance that the Will provided, it imprinted that any resistance must be broken through. It "loves" to find any places of closing down and saying no that the Will has because it receives pleasure to push through this resistance. Thus rape, torture, violating boundaries, and everything that is the opposite of Love was born.

And it is very important to understand that this isn't a "discreet essence" that only a part of the light had. ALL of light imprinted at the moment of the original explosion. All of light is connected to this end of its continuum. And therefore, all of light has had to deal with its guilt about being aroused by the Will's suffering.

Parts of the Will imprinted that orgasm = death (and therefore death = orgasm) as well. Especially the part that was at the interface of the separation of Light and Will, i.e. Heart.

And this essence has had guilt as well, guilt that it is aroused by its own sacrifice.

(me) wow…

(MFGH) So now let us talk about what happened to this "unloving" light after the original explosion, and how different segments of it came back towards the Central Universe and interacted with the other Parts in the progression of the creations.

You may have seen diagrams of the reflection of light by a mirror.

(me) [I searched and found this image]

(MFGH) and concave reflection

(me) [and this one]

(MFGH) When the light reached the "edge of the Universe" (when it exceeded the speed at which the Will could open space) it "bounced back" towards the Central Universe.

And as I mentioned before, when it did this, it had (re) imprinted from its encounter with absolute limitation, with what is essentially absolute sexual frustration. Except now that it had a "direction" for its rage, and that was towards what set the limits, the Will. So when it bounced back, it had a new intent—to find the source of this boundary, and break the boundary (which amounted to killing the Will.)

Now we will complicate this with three variables: One is that the light is expanding in all directions (not just one single ray); Two is that the edge of the Universe is Concave (as the Origin was one point, and all points on the edge are expanding at the same speed, which generates a sphere); and Three is that the edge of the Universe is moving outward.

With the first and second complications, the consequence is that unloving light is virtually everywhere.

(me) [this image shows the patterns of reflection in a coffee cup]

(MFGH) With the third complication, the consequence is that unloving light is reflecting back to us virtually at all times.

Our solution to this is a bit complicated, but it involves allowing the light that desires to go faster than the Will wants to, to do just that, by penetrating this boundary of space and becoming lost light, with no will presence, but then to prevent it from "bouncing back" at the Central Universe with the positioning of "guilt" as the boundary around the edge of the Universe which the light will not be able to penetrate. In occult modeling, this is the "Ring-Pass-Not" in its right place. Also note that there will be no space for the light to expand into here.

So we have a model of the conflict between light that wants unlimited speed and the speed that the Will can open space for light, and I am hoping that you can see that this is a dynamic process, as the rate of expansion for both the light and the Will are in a constant acceleration. There is always light that is frustrated, no matter how fast the Will expands, and it is always being turned back at the edge of the Universe towards the center, no matter which Creation we are talking about.

I am making this sound like it is a constant, smooth dynamic, but in fact, it was not, as there were build ups of the light before the release of the orgasm in each successive Creation.

So now we are in a place where we can talk about the orgasm the "birthed" the Second Creation, and the role of the unloving light in this.

reviving the blog

Dear friends,

I would like to revive this blog. I started channeling very regularly last year, and have a lot of material to share. The latest stuff has been focusing on community issues, as this is something that I am working on in my personal life. I have also made a formal agreement with a group of beings that have an interest in sharing their understandings of how people can work together to pass on their teachings/learnings. I have had the very good fortune of being able to share this with my colleagues who work with people in the Open Space Technology style of facilitation. It has been an amazing experience to be able to share my channeling in a semi-public venue.

Right now I am thinking that I will continue to post "in the order received," but, heck, I might want to jump "ahead" and post more recent stuff as I go along. However, it is very good for me to read "old" channeling, because I get something different out of it every time I reread it. I have a hard head, and it can take me a long time to learn my lessons.

So thank you for your patience, and I welcome your comments and requests.
