Saturday, February 24, 2007

Mother's Grace

Note: this post builds on the previous one.


(me) Dear MFGH,

I am so worried about not vibrating. I am also worried about sustainability… my personal impact on the planet. [Discussion of a meeting with a friend.] I feel peaceful right now and don't want to mess with it. So am I a hypocrite or what?

(MFGH) Coming into alignment with your values, goals, and shoulds is one of the fundamental issues for humanity, especially for you generation. You have not known how to do this in a nurturing way with lasting results. Can you feel your intent?

(me) yes, and I am getting that there is a certain degree of certainty that I will take the actions necessary that needs to be there… or maybe it would be better to say there is a certain quality to it that when it is there, lets me know that I can count on myself… a felt commitment…

(MFGH) it is not something that can be faked. And it is not something that can be forced. You have to be "ready" for it, which has a component of going through steps over time, but also, there is a non-linear component of freedom-to-choose—

(me) I am getting the image of a big vertical spiral, like those Christmas lawn ornaments made out of white lights in the shape of trees—

(MFGH) the freedom to choose requires you to be able to access that part of your will that makes the choice… in your image it would be below the spiral… when you are there, you are in touch with your power to create your own reality…

(me) is this like what I got in touch with with the Werner Erhardt workshops?

(MFGH) yes, and… the way they got there was through emotional manipulation as well as the cognitive deconstruction…

It is more loving to get there through emotional movement and judgment release… this is the spiral process, that keeps winding around your issues, but at a deeper level each time… until you have the "aha" that shows you how you were manifesting reflections of what you were holding, denying, and judging.

(me) I am getting that I can stop the process by drinking or other addictive behaviors, by denial…

(MFGH) yes and habits need to be looked at as well. Habits on all levels: habits of body, habits of thought, habits of feeling, even habits of heart. Habits of holding and circulating your energy.

Part of the reason that people put brakes on the process is because "sliding down" does not look like a good idea. You generally want to go "up."

You also support each other to go up or down in relationships. This can be done in more manipulative ways, or with a lighter touch. Interventions, for example try to get people to "hit bottom"… to "get" that their behavior is causing problems in their life… and to "make the choice" to get help for it.

(me) I feel like my meds keep me from going down. And going up for that matter. And getting tangled up in the branches.

(MFGH) you could look at the spirals themselves as another form of the "ring of Grace" that we talked about recently. In fact a spiral is a better image in some ways, because it has the third dimension—depth. Grace can lead you down, and it can also lead you up. It depends on where you "need" to go next on your path.

This also gets to the issue of your "scared and angry drowning will" and whether it needs the light or not.

Basically, the question is, how can we reconcile Grace with death? How can We even claim there is such a thing when there is so much suffering? "Amazing Grace" was written on a slave ship, after all…

(me) I have always thought that he felt grace because he had all of that will-polarized essence below him drawing it down…

(MFGH) yes. Because of this kind of scenario, and for the uncountable other reenactments of abuse, the will (for the sake of simplicity I will talk about it as if it is one thing) has decided that it can't trust the light and has to heal itself without any help.

The kernel of truth in this is that the will has to lead the healing process. But there is no way around it, the will needs the light to heal. And this goes both ways. The light needs the will to reflect its "lovingness-quotient," not to mention to have a place to expand into, not to mention have the capacity for feeling.

Neither can exist without the other, and the existence without the other is hardly worth living.

Grace is the guide to the "uniting path"—the next step for the will side to find the light and the spirit side to find the will.

Now let us turn that "beam of Grace" around and imagine that it is going the "other" direction… not just from Original Heart to the lost will, but also from the lost will to Loving Light. It is like those amazing photographs of a lightening strike before it has actually hit the Earth—there is a reaching out from both sides to make the connection. "Grounding" is not a passive activity.

In reality, that beam is going both directions. The OH to Will direction has been "stronger" up to now, but the Will to Loving Light direction is gathering momentum. This is the "picking yourself up by your own bootstraps" direction.

There has been confusion here for the will side because on the one hand it senses its capacity to—there is not a word for it in the English language—choose-loving-light-and-manifest-exactly-what-it-wants, which it does not "need" the light to do. However it needs the light to fulfill its function here.

An analogy would be reproduction. The mother does not need the father to grow the baby, her body is capable of this. But she needs the father in order to get pregnant.

However if the father sticks around and helps her meet her needs along the way, pregnancy will be a less stressful, more pleasant, and even joyous experience.

But in our analogy, the Father did not stick around for the Mother. So the will experienced single parenthood early on. And part of it said—"we don't need you. We can do it ourselves." While the other part said "I cannot do this alone! How can you expect me to help myself here?"

And there has been an argument in the will side ever since. And especially over how the will should approach the light. As a "supplicant?" Or as a "demander?"

Both sides need to find a middle ground. The will does have some power here. There is so much to say about how this has been damaged and what it will take to fix it that we will not try to sketch it out. You have a very detailed understanding of this already.

The point we want to make is that this is a goal—to strengthen the "Mother's beam"—although beam is too yang of a term. Maybe the Mother's "vacuum tube." But a tube that outreaches.

This is MotherHeart, essentially.

(me) wow, I need a minute to digest…one thing that comes to mind is that there must be a FatherHeart… which is where husband is I suspect.

(MFGH) Yes.

(me) thinking about my "bipolar OC" when I made the decision to include all before they had connected… the reaching to the Spirit side seems to be the outreach.

(MFGH) Yes.

(me) I am also getting something about wormholes… that they are manifestations of the Mother's vacuum tube…

(MFGH) that is a simplification of it, but fine for now.

(me) I am also getting a "psychic vampire" connection… someone who "sucks the life out of you" has too much of that and not enough of the Grandfather side or something.

(MFGH) yes… if a person is not following the stream of Grace from Grandfather, they are going to be drawn to any light they "see." Guilt has a role to play here. The person who is giving them light usually has guilt for having more light. In fact they aren't connecting with their "own" MotherVacuumTube.

(me) I guess that is why my mediation helps me so much—I am connecting up the two beams.

(MFGH) yes and hopefully this will give you some more consciousness about the nature of the two sides.

(me) but I also feel that there is essence, not a "vacuum" involved.

(MFGH) yes, this is where the metaphor falls down. It isn't really a vacuum. There is essence. The essence is magnetic. We are talking the force of gravity here. But the force of gravity with a direction to it. More that just a mass attracting anything in it's sphere.

It's what keeps the atoms together. In some ways it is still a mystery to your science. It's a "given."

(me) and vibration has something to do with it.

(MFGH) yes. Each swing of the electron, from one side to the other, creates a tiny vacuum that draws things in. And then the question is, where does the atomic particle get the energy to vibrate? That is the light's contribution.

(me) Is this what the GodChannel is calling "Desire?"

(MFGH) yes. It is magnetism with intent. It is a very powerful, and much underrated force.

It works in conjunction with "dreams," as in having a dream about your future and making it come true. This is where Indigo gets involved.

(me) yes I have a sense of the feedback loop. (Indigo projects the vision, and then sees what is actually happening, and gives this information back to the other chakras.) And I am getting that Grace is or could be involved in this loop.

(MFGH) yes, this is why opening the third eye is so important. What you are opening to, is Grace.

(me) ??? what about all the horrible pictures that people see?

(MFGH) Grace "demands" that these be seen and communicated and responded to.

(me) but what about hallucinations? What is happening to my poor bipolar and schizophrenic brothers and sisters?

(MFGH) this is another—or rather an additional—issue. These problems need straightening out. And Grace can help with this.

We need the "Mother's Side" (the Mother Vacuum Tube) to come from these individuals to help us help them. But the structure to do this is messed up. The first and second attentions are collapsed. [Note: there is more about this elsewhere.]

When this is happening, it can be hard to follow the stream of Grace from either side. Experienced movers can do this.

You can help by working on your stuff. You are an aspect of MotherHeart, as in the Original Tube, and have responsibility for creating the Form that is dysfunctional here.

(me) Holy Crap.

(MFGH) If you keep following your own streams of Grace, you will do fine.



(MFGH) The thing we would like to talk about today is your relationship to GodHeart.

(me) ??? am I receiving that right? What is GodHeart?

(MFGH) well you invoke it everyday—MotherFatherGodHeart.

(me) oh, right, that. I guess I never really thought of that part of the equation. I just didn't want to leave anybody out or cut myself off from anything.

(MFGH) yes, so you might as well know what you are invoking.

(me) I'm embarrassed that I had never thought about this before.

(MFGH) Imagine a big silver ring with a "jungle bell" linked to it.

(me) okay, yes I have been getting that image ever since you mentioned it.

(MFGH) You are like the bell, and GH is like the ring. The bell has several qualities. It can ring—making noise, signaling, making music, celebrating—and it can travel around the ring's circumference. It can also rotate around the band of the ring itself. So it is pretty fluid.

The ring is round, rigid, with no beginning or end, and can be anywhere in space.

GodHeart is an aspect of God, and an aspect of Heart. It is a part of Original Heart that "bonded" with Spirit. It is the part of OH that holds the blueprint/dream as well as the intention to manifest it. Another way to say it, is that it is Grace. The Holy Spirit. Grandfather's Light.

It is like the ring because it has no beginning or end. It is complete unto itself. We choose the ring shape as opposed to a "beam" shape, coming from Grandfather to you. Since Original Heart is no more, there is no "place" for this beam to come from. Yet it is always there. Solid. What we have to add to the ring image is that the Grace is always traveling along the ring. It is always moving, and always arising. Yet is has no "emergence point."

(me) is it a mobius strip?

(MFGH) it could be, as that breaks up the idea of an inner and outer surface.

Now to the bell. The bell is clearly not the ring, and has a lot of movement, yet it is always following the curve of the beam of the Grace. It has a part of it that is linked to, or "holding" the ring, the beam of Grace. To stretch the analogy, the link is a vessel for the beam of grace. In fact, if you filled the ring with jingle bells, you would have a path made of vessels for Grace to thread through.

When the bells are in alignment, this path is smooth. It doesn't take a long time for the beam to travel around, as it's path is in the most efficient shape. In "reality," however, the bells are not aligned, and some of them are even missing. So this affects the path of Grace.

However, the now-oddly-shaped "ring" is never broken. The path is never broken. Even in the smallest fragments, there is always some remnant of that which can receive Grace. This is why healing is possible... why God's/Grandfather's Grace can always "find" you, and is, in fact, always there for you. When you open to channel, you are intending to be the path, the vessel, the tube. This strengthens the path, which strengthens the Flow of Grace.

GodHeart (the bell and the ring together) is both the oldest and the youngest aspects of Spirit. It transcends the Seven Creations. It is what links them together. You could almost look at it as the "stream of time." It allows for continuity. You could also look at is as the "evolutionary path." Or even the "DNA of the Universe."

(me) I am getting the image of the World card in the Crowley Tarot deck.

(MFGH) yes. Which brings up the concept of the Matrix.

The Matrix is the "MF" of MFGH, the Mother of Everything+Father of Manifestation part of the equation. It is the space, form, and ground for the ring and the bells. A matrix is often seen as a lattice. Let us use this model and consider each part of the lattice.

Each node is a point of view (entity), and each line is a "line" or "cord" or "agreement" or "connection" between them. Together, they all make up the framework for "consensual reality." Of course, our problem is that there are tears in the lattice, large holes or gaps where points of view are missing. There are nodes that do not connect to the rest, for various reasons.

Now let us consider the lattice in three dimensions, like the neuron cells in a brain. As you know, some of the neural pathways are more developed that others, so you could say that the Matrix Itself is imprinted and shaped, not just the individual nodes.

And what travels along the lines? Well, Grace, for one thing. And because of the shape and imprinting of the Matrix, it is easier for some parts to receive it than others.

But Grace itself is decentralized. We know that you have been focusing on light coming "from" the Godhead, "down" through Purple, to "you," and we want to give you an alternative, more complex picture. It is parallel to an understanding that you got many years ago, that there is no real "center" to the Will, or rather, that there are an infinite number of centers that can open space and receive Loving Light.

(me) wow this is better than an acid trip.

(MFGH) :)

(me) I get that this has something to do with my rage… specifically my rage at Purple. I am also suspecting that it has something to do with my guru issues—my (apparently mistaken) idea that light/grace is sourced somewhere Else, and I have to "do whatever it takes" to get it.

(MFGH) Yes. You do not have to get Our Light "through" anyone else. In fact, we want you to get it directly from Us. This strengthens the Matrix, in ways not easy to explain. If the Source of Grace and Light is distributed, then nodes that were originally "farther" from Original Heart or Godhead can now get it more easily. Eventually we hope that they get it directly from Us as well.

By the way, we have never said that your fragments could not get light directly from us. They can. However, it will help both them and you if you can accept them back in. You are their right place and they long for acceptance. In some instances, the first step to this process is becoming conscious of the lines between you, and allowing information, and emotions to come from them to you, and sending them your love and Our Grace from you to them.

Grace is infinite, yet at any particular node or connection, it is more or less present, depending on the openness of the "vessel." So you have the power to increase Grace in your life and other's.

(me) I am intrigued by the idea that this is the Holy Spirit. What is with the dove?

(MFGH) The dove is a symbol of peaceful light, of loving light. Jesus-Heart or Son-Heart's role is to draw and channel this aspect of light. When this image arose there was a lot of unloving light, so it was important to distinguish the "right" kind of light.

(me) I am getting that there is some truth to the Christian doctrine of getting to the Father through the Son…

(MFGH) this is referring to the role of "upper heart" in both manifestation and the healing process. You do need some acceptance of this part of yourself in your energy body for it to do its job. And this can be reflected in the outer world as "accepting Jesus."

Note: I asked about a friend who is a mother aspect who has experienced God's Loving Light coming in through her crown and "landing" in here heart (as opposed to my meditation, in which I allow the light to come all the way through me and "land" in the mother "below" me (through my root chakra to the Earth). I wondered if this difference was because as heart, the light goes through me to the mother, who is the ground for it. MFGH said it was a complex question and I needed more experiential understanding before they could answer.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

on denial essence

NOTE: this is a compilation of three days of channeling. (It was too icky to stay with very long.)


Dear MFGH,

...what about the essence of Indigo being warped? [this is something I experienced about my indigo several years ago.] And is that related to bipolar?

Dear Sapphire,

We have not yet talked about the presence of Asuras and Luciferian light in your experience. They add another twist. Before we do that we would like to discuss another aspect of Indigo which X brought up, that being the "blueprint" that Indigo holds. [X noted that the color of blueprint ink is indigo.]

Each chakra, indeed each Order of Spirit, carries its own blueprint for how we saw manifestation arising when we planned creation. For the sake of clarity, let us say that this is different than the "metaphysical DNA" that we talked about yesterday, [2006-11-24] which carries the lineage of what actually happened in manifestation. The blueprint is more like the idea that we had in the Original Heart creation about manifestation. From the Will's perspective, it would be the Mother's Dream.

It is related to Indigo in that this is the assemblage point that combines the perception of the idea (from Spirit) and the perception of the dream (from the Will)—the link between "inspiration" and the "subconscious." There is a "knowing" about the blueprint/dream in the being, that is experienced through the indigo chakra, but comes from Spirit and Will. Body and Heart have involvement too, but let us put them aside for the moment.

If there is a problem in the indigo chakra, then there is a problem with knowing what the blueprint/dream is, as well as one's role in it. It is like having a TV with bad reception. Another issue is whether one is getting the latest broadcast.

We have talked about the receptive centers being "full," "deadened," and "lacking vibration." They can also be "imprinted," "holding unloving light," and "fragmented," meaning some of their essence is lost. There is the "family" within each chakra to consider—the four parts of the chakra. And finally there is the "warping" of the chakra essence itself.

Understanding this last aspect requires you to model space/time in such a way that allows for things like "void" and "intention" and "the matrix" and "being arising." What we are really talking about is a multidimensional experience in the continuously arising now, from an omniscient point of view, which is, as you can imagine, difficult to put it into words.

The point of even talking about this at all is to gain understanding of your particular experience and therefore healing path, so I will direct my modeling towards that end.

The first questions when we are talking about the indigo chakra are "what is the substance of thought? What is the substance of perception, itself?" So you can see that we are in a non-ordinary level of reality right off the bat. Yet it is a totally ordinary experience to think and perceive. But to perceive thinking and perception requires you to be in a context other than, or greater than, thought and perception themselves.

Attending to the sensations of your subtle bodies is a good place to start. These give you a clue about how the energy is flowing through the chakras, which can help you figure out the shape of the chakras. Its like how perceiving the river implies the shape of the river bed, and watching the swirls and currents on the surface give you and idea of the rocks and holes beneath.

Doing "empty mind" meditation can also be helpful. This helps you distinguish the thoughts themselves from that which perceives or "observes" them.

And of course movement and ignition can help you understand the events that gave rise to the decisions and fragmentation that shaped the substance/essence, and allow you to restore it to a more functional state.

You have a pretty good idea/experience of how imprinting and fragmentation shape the substance of your being, so we will not talk about that here. Instead I would like to talk about the "presence" of "denial energy" or "asuras" or "void" or "death" and its impact on the shape of the indigo chakra.


Dear MFGH,

I have a lot of doubt that I could receive this information. Also it feels like its really "hard stuff."

Dear Sapphire,

As a way of transitioning into the next piece, let us look at what happens to a tube [conduit] when it is "channeling" denial—when denial is going "through" it. This isn't literally what is happening, it is more of a metaphor, but it will get you in the ballpark.

When the flow isn't happening, when there is some block or rejection, this is one kind of denial. But when what is coming through is denial, then you have a different kind of problem. Imagine a force that deflects light, love, acceptance, vibration, and how it would warp everything around it, everything that touches it. It often pushes forward a "wave of guilt" in front of it.

As it pushes through, it has no sensitivity to what it is going through or where it is going. It does not adapt to anything. It cannot resonate with anything, it has no empathy. It does find the path of least resistance, however, and that is why your own judgments, gaps, cracks and guilt can leave you open to denial energy.

It has what we would call "hatred for life" but it does not experience this as hatred. It experiences this as an intent. This is what we would call it's "survival drive." Except it is not going towards what we would call survival. It is going towards un-manifestation. To Life, this is the ultimate evil—a drive for death.

Yet there are many ways that living essence has aligned with death. There are many causes for this, but one cause is that the essence is holding the denial energy, and this energy's intent is influencing the essence. It can show up as "voices" telling the person to kill or die, or self-destructive behavior, or suicidal ideation, or a death wish.

Another cause for aligning with death is that it is extremely painful for the essence receiving or holding this energy to be in contact with it, let alone to hold it.

So it is important to have understanding for suicidal moments.

(me) I am trying to map this on to my own experience of suicidal moments. It seems I have several flavors. There is the kind when the pain is so great, and I feel so worthless, often triggered by rejection… there is the kind that just wants out, wants to escape, yearns for peace… there is the kind that feels this is the only possible response to a thought or behavior that I or others have judged as bad, that I deserve to die, that I must kill myself before others reject or hurt me… there is the kind that is expressing how much pain I am feeling, how I cannot accept the situation… there is the kind that feels like Lucifer is pounding in to me, telling me that I am bad, evil, don't deserve to live… there is the really scary violent impulse that says I must die if I am a perpetrator…

(MFGH) Yes there are many flavors here. Let us analyze before we synthesize. You have an image of a core of denial/death/void with the Will clamped around it, trying not to let it move through, and because this is so painful the essence touching it, and nearest to it, has stopped moving in defense—and this is one of the forms of suicide, because to live, the will must vibrate.

Now imagine a more complex picture… with the denial energy are more like a "shadow" or "underbelly" or "skin" to other energy, energy that is being sent, is transmiting through, or being received. In other words, even though denial energy has an "anti-vibrational" force to essence touching it, it still can move through creation. Especially through and to the places where essence is not vibrating freely.

This is one of the reasons why guilt is so deadly. Guilt "fills the space" where you back down, it separates; it is the opposite of love, which unites. It diminishes us. It prevents my Loving Light from reaching you. It blocks it. Like denial essence, it gets trapped in the magnetic field. So vibration helps it move out.

And to energy that wants vibration to cease, that wants de-manifestation, the guilt-space looks like a good place to be. So it adds its intent to kill to the guilt-space, and gives guilt that "pounding down" quality. If the essence that has backed down already has judgments against itself, it aligns with this pounding, allows the denial energy to reimprint the judgment, and may open to unloving light as well.

This brings up another issue—the relationship of light to denial energy. Let us start with unloving light and denial energy. There are several ways of looking at this, and one is not "more correct" than another. Each is like looking through a different facet to see the center of the gem.

One understanding is that unloving light and denial energy are one and the same. And what binds them, what makes them the same, is the shared intent to stop movement.

Another understanding is that denial energy travels along the "beams" of unloving light, and adds its own "punch" to that which is receiving it.

Another understanding is that denial energy is "fueled" by unloving light, as in an incarnated denial spirit getting its light from Lucifer.

(me) I need a break, please.

(MFGH) yes, this is unpleasant stuff.


Dear MFGH,

Today I heard about a young person committing suicide. He was shamed the night before. I am imagining that he could not take it. That's how I feel about shame. I want to kill myself. I feel like I have a really strong judgment that accepting that I am bad is unbearable. Or that I can't work through those feelings.

Dear Sapphire,

We have been shamed for our behavior, but also for our responses. We have been shamed for our desires, especially around sex, and our sexual responses. We have been shamed for being bad, evil, unloving, but also stupid, clumsy, dense, and for having all of the vices—the deadly sins and various abuses.

There is a "breaking" of the personality possible, when the shaming matches an internal judgment and a certain threshold of pain is reached. When one feels shame, one experiences that the other doing the shaming is justified. When one gets the message that "you are bad" over and over again, especially from others that you are dependent on, the message become internalized.

Shame happens when you "know" you have violated the values of your reference group or reference person. It doesn't matter whether the standards set by the reference group are realistic or not. Once they are internalized, then one can be shamed.

When one has more self-acceptance, shame diminishes. But self-acceptance isn't a one dimensional experience. Especially when your "checkered past" goes all the way back to the beginning of time. There were plenty of opportunities for "mistakes" to be shamed for.

If the one shaming would move their own feelings instead of shaming the other, they would also eventually get to a place of self-acceptance and then would be able to forgive—or at least have compassion for the other.

Even if shamed one knew that the would-be shamer was triggered into their stuff, anger for example, it would still be better. When another is moving their stuff, it is easier for us to sort our what is mine from what is theirs. It makes it easier to relate.

But there is another dimension to all of this, and that is the presence of the denial energy. Why is the impulse to self-harm so strong? There is a shadow involved, with an intent to de-manifest. To this energy, shaming is an opportunity to kill manifestation. Ironically, the very thing that would help the situation, movement with judgment release, also looks like the worst possible thing to do and experience. It can look like a denial of the "transgression." But you need to release this denial energy. And you need to do it safely.

You can do this through movement itself. The important thing is to stay connected to My Light. I can "escort" this energy to where it needs and wants to go. If you can hang on to your intent to let it go, even in the darkest places, this will help immensely. I know that that is not always possible. But it is something to work for.

(me) Thank you. I am afraid to hope here. I am afraid this is not right. I am afraid to find out that the only way for me to heal is to accept responsibility for thing I don't want to accept responsabilty for. I am afraid of the community knowing that I was "the one." I am afraid that I am bad and evil, down to the core. I am afraid that you are just a figment of my subconscious trying to give me a way out when I do not deserve a way out. When taking the way out would kill me anyway.

(God) what would happen to you if you "had to" accept what you don't want to? I mean in detail, energetically?

(me) you mean if it [the transgression] were mine?

(God) both ways, if it were, and if it weren't.

(me) I guess it is a viscious cycle. I am afraid that I would feel shame, unbearable shame, and it would drive me to kill myself. In either case, whether it really was mine or not.

(God) what if moving in response to this shame would allow for the release of this denial energy?

What you have to understand is that you were killed, that there was an intent to murder you, and you now have that intent in your aura.

(me) Holy Smokes!!!

(God) and it might have to look like you were going to "receive harm at the hands of others" in order to trigger what is so tightly held here?

(me) shit. I do not like this. I do not like this at all.

(God) yes, it is an unfortunate reality. A terrible reality. I am sorry that you have to go through this.

(me) I don't want to go through this!

(God) the problem is that you will draw a reflection commesurate with the level of our denial.

(me) don't I have a say into when and how I move into this?

(God) of course. And you are right to have your say, and to follow what your say says. Your say is trying to protect you. To defend you. It cannot relax unless it judges/feels you are safe.

(me) maybe I can do some work with this on the chair.

(God) Maybe you can release the guilt that you have for 1) having the feelings of self-harm 2) "harboring" a "denial spirit" 3) drawing shaming reflections 4) doing something that deserves these reflections

(me) maybe I should read Bradshaws book [Healing the Shame that Binds You] again.

(God) yes, that may be good for some triggers…

(me) sigh…

I guess its time to wrap this up, at least for this installment. Thank you.

(God) thank you for talking with us.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mother on beauty


[Note: I was triggered in some email processing into an experience where I felt an appendage coming out of my heart chakra like the stamen of a flower waiting for the bees and butterflies to come and pollinate me. It was incredibly painful not to get light, acceptance, validation, etc., for this part. I felt that something was missing, and it hurt. I did not know what to do about this, except just be with it.]

(Mother) now you have a sense of my longing, and a sense of how I experienced my heart. Imagine my pain when this part of me left to go with what I was longing for.

(me) I don't know if I can imagine that, but it the experience did help me to get what it was like to "dangle" the heart "out there"—and I saw how it could be experienced as "bait."

(Mother) yes, it is an extremely sensitive part, and an extremely desirable part. The other side that "gobbled it up" just wanted the "bait" and did not recognize that this was part of me, that this was my offering… and that I would provide the grounding and depth to the relationship…

the gap between my heart and the rest of me is in part causal to the pattern of "falling out of love"…

this is also causal to female heart's sacrifice imprint. this has not been looked at. but there is a lot of sacrifice in "trying to get a man" and all of the machinations that women go through to "catch" one.

this is also causal to resentment between women—women who refuse to do this resent the women that do it, because the ones that do it end up getting the man.

beautiful women have an unseen privilege… "beautyism" is barely recognized as a phenomenon. People have deeply held judgments that beauty is a reflection of a choice that the essence made, and assume that the essence was "rewarded" with beauty. as you know there is all kinds of research about attribution that beautiful people get the benefit of the doubt.

And there is some truth to this, and I love beauty… its just that some of what is ugly is a manifestation of judgments against the will and what the will is holding… which is especially frustrating when what we are holding actually belongs to the person who is judging us…

with acceptance, the "beauty" of creation can be seen—"through" the ugliness. and with healing, the essence manifesting ugly will be able to return to its original beauty.

when you see something ugly, note your response… you may have revulsion… and it is important to get to the bottom of this. what has been "dumped" there, into it?

the "beautiful" parts of the world are able to maintain that because they send their "trash" elsewhere. they put a lot of energy into the appearance of beauty. there is confusion that the appearance = essence. this is a fundamental truth, but it gets "messed up" when denial is present.

So whether you are beautiful or ugly, you need to reach across the gap there and find your opposite part. If you are beautiful, where is your ugliness? why is it ugly in the first place? what original judgments were put on it? If you are ugly, where is your beauty? this is a part of you. It belongs to you. you can have it. you deserve it. what are you holding in your compassion for lost will that you can release back to it's parental part now?

It is important to understand that there are some parental pieces that are opening to their lost will, and so the mother pieces can start to release what they are holding. It is also important to understand that some other parental pieces are NOT opening to their lost will, and so the mother pieces don't feel right about releasing this.

please do not blame or judge the mother pieces here. they can only release as fast as there is reception for what they are releasing. they do not want to loose any aspect of the will that wants acceptance.

the exception to this rule is unloving light. All pieces need to release this. God has acceptance here, and will redeem it or put it in its right place. you do NOT have to hold this any more.

I know many of you are terrified that in moving out the unloving light, the will presence holding it will get even more denied and lost. You need to move your terror here, because you are actually clamping down on the process. The will can be trusted—if it is allowed to go through its own process. If you get the will vibrating that is holding the unloving light, it can release it.

And your intention and judgment releases can help this process. But don't hold back because of this fear.

We all need to work together. We all have different tasks. Please, if you don't understand the healing process of a different kind of "part," don't rush to judgment. You can't evaluate the progress of somebody else by the steps on your own path.

And if you are not clear about your own path, then forgive yourself here. There is good reason for you to be confused. And if you judge you own path as wrong, you need to release this judgment as well. This is deeply held in the will.

Lack of trust in the will being able to heal is a form of terror. This may need to move first before other layers can begin to move.

Remember that judgments are best release when the will that is "holding" them is vibrating. With the intent to move them out, and the intent to receive Loving Light, healing can happen fairly quickly.

(me) thank you. I am getting that I should put this up ASAP.

(Mother) yes.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Emergence Point


[note: they were talking both about my personal emergence point and everyone's emergence point]

(MFGH) there is a "beginning point" in your consciousness… an "assemblage point" if you will…that is the most "core you"… or rather, the most central point of your point of view…it has the quality of perception, of distinguishing itself from what it is perceiving… the origin of duality… the origin of "reality" and then experience over time… [hubby adds: the origin of the experience of "self."]

for each of these points, the beginning is like a little "big bang"… and at the beginning of each point of view is the pattern that represents the truth about that place/time… the "DNA" of that being, on a metaphysical level…

you did not choose where you were in the Greater Body of God… but you chose when you were--when you emerged…and so your responsibility is not in your essence, but in your original "decision" to emerge as a separate entity… and this decision can be understood by understanding the story of the Greater Forces up to that point…

there is always an original judgment there… even if it is only "time for Me-ness"… but most commonly, it was in reaction to what had happened up to that point…

the decision that you made, that we talked about before… is key to understanding you experience, since that time… to be Heart, before Heart emerged, before the function of Heart could be in place, before it was manifested by the making love of the parental parts… is the conundrum that you have been trying to understand…

in fact "you" go back to the virtual reality of Original Heart… you/y'all/We thought we knew what would happen in the experience of separating, but we did not know… we were the ultimate in inexperience, without even knowing that there was a distinction called "experience" that had a cumulative effect on the being of an entity…

in Original Heart there was no imprinting, experience was always fluid and could always be "reset" to zero… the history of what went before was not damaging, in the ways it is in manifestation… and this is the great mistake that God made for so very long… not even realizing that this was his core assumption about reality, that there were no consequences, which made it so very hard for him to understand the Mother's experience…

So in your "metaphysical DNA" is the history of Everything that led up to your decision to emerge… and your being is the Manifestation, the Birth of that history… you were reflecting to the Universe "this is what you get if you were to Create at this moment in time from this place in the Body"… you were Information to the Cosmic Evolutionary Path. Feedback.

But you did not really know what it would be to Experience life as that manifestation. You did not foresee the consequences of emerging then, any more than we did in the very beginning. Many of you have felt that you made a terrible mistake… that your original decision was wrong, since you have had so much pain as a "consequence" of it.

But you need to forgive yourself there. We all have experienced pain; there was no emergence point that would have been better for you, that would have allowed you to escape the pain, or prevent the pain. You did not do it wrong.

Yes We have judged it as wrong, so there is a reason that you have felt guilty… but We are releasing this fundamental judgment against you, as we are releasing it against ourselves.

A huge part of Us has felt that we never should have manifested in the first place, when we split Original Heart… We have felt that the pain was not worth the outcome… We have had very angry parts of ourselves…

yet the irony is there is literally no one but ourselves to "blame." If we are parental (and ultimately, everyone can trace their path back to Original Heart), we have to own that we made the decision… out of Love…

What a horrible/beautiful understanding… it is almost beyond comprehension, if you are to embrace the totality of what happened… in fact it has been beyond comprehension, as we did not see the role of denial or understand the manifestation of the Gap… our core identities were not able to comprehend what our consciousness was denying…

Nor did we understand that the Void had a kind of "reversal-consciousness" that would be disturbed by Manifestation… that would give rise to the Smack… the asuras that want only to get out of the trap of Manifestation and return to an un-manifest state… and would kill everything to do this.

The participation of this denial energy in the history of creation has not been seen clearly, either. It has "aligned" with every impulse to deny, push away, or kill another and given it the quality that you call "evil"… this is the Shadow of Manifestation itself… the "cost" of manifesting, so to speak… disturbing the Void and mixing asuras into manifestation...

again, this is a question of right place. when the gaps are healed, then this energy can go back into the void, outside of Us… we won't be giving it a place among Us…

So. This is just part of the lesson, just the background. What you did in particular to end up with bipolar is your own personal story in relation to all of this. How do you think it fits together?

(me) well I am kind of going off of what you said before, that I made the decision to embrace the polarities as they were without much heart presence to mitigate their extremes or integrate them. That makes the most sense to me. I am not quite sure how this translates to the Indigo experience yet. I have been trying to understand that part for a long time. I have put it as "how did I get from the bottom of Yellow up to Indigo? How did I emerge at both places at once?"

(MFGH) well to put it simply, you embraced these two polarities. But first we have to understand who the "you" is that embraced this.

There are many, many branches of Heart. You could almost take any two points along the spectrum and find a Heart Presence trying to balance the two. They do not all gather "in Green" so to speak. Indigo is the Heart between Purple and Blue. Orange is the Heart between Yellow and Red. And heart positions resonate with other heart positions.

There is also the Heart presence between any two Main Parts—your hubby is the perfect example of this, trying to balance Body and Heart. There are aspects of diety that are between Spirit and Heart, Will and Heart, Will and Body, Spirit and Body... Do these have a color? no, not exactly. But they have resonances with the issues in other "heart" colors.

But your emergence point of view was actually previous to the manifestation of the Rainbow. The Lens to break up the light hadn't quite emerged yet. (Form.) So your point of view did not get a physical form until the Heart Daughters manifested. That was the closest form to you.

And this also goes back to Original Heart. The beautiful forms manifesting colors beneath the lens of FOM's gaze was a virtual experience there that was very pleasing and much anticipated as a manifestation out in Reality. So it was not wrong. But the consciousness in and from Original Heart did not anticipate the Mother's point of view or experience there. We had no way to deal with it, let alone know it in the totality of our being.

So yes, you feel Parental to the Daughter Hearts… in that you had a self-organizing consciousness that preceded many other emergence points. This is part of why you have felt so responsible for the Daughters' gaps. In your OOOC imprinting, you felt that you were causal to the gaps between the Original Parents, as you did not bridge them, you did not keep your "parents" together, and this original gap was parental to many of the other gaps. And from another point of view (Original Heart's), your "parents" are more like your children, so there is yet another layer of responsibility.

The Godchannel has not focused on this Original Guilt, as that has not been my mission there. I have wanted to give voice to not-guilt, to help people balance out the terrible voices that have been plaguing them since before the beginning.

But these feelings must be addressed, and particularly by people in your position. The gift of guilt here is helping you to get in touch with your "responsibility"—and thus your Power.

(me) thank you.



(MFGH) there is an aspect to understanding imprints that I would like to bring forward now.

Imprints are like keyholes that draw unloving light that fits them. Or another way to say this is the light shines down, but only gets through the keyhole shaped by the imprint.

So the power to change the dynamic is to change the shape of the keyhole. Not to stretch the metaphor too thinly, but this needs to be done by the essence that is creating the shape—the will. You have to believe that you can change the shape, that it is okay to do so—which is facilitated by judgment release. Then you have to vibrate to make the change. This will draw "new" light, or light that fits the new shape.

And from the other direction, starting with vibration and moving to judgment release, as you vibrate you can become conscious of the keyholes that you have.

When you give Lucifer or someone power, you are reifying* the keyhole into the category of "reality." You can also be holding the judgment that "I deserve it" or "I am the victim here"—not being aware of the power you have to change the dynamic, by changing the shape of the keyhole.

This is why the light feels that the will side is responsible, is actually drawing the smack. What they are drawing is more of the same light, what fits the original imprint, from the original smack.

In a person, there has to be a consciousness that something else is possible. this can come from many directions, for example, from new loving light, or from a heart intervention, or from will support, or from body's response. Whatever works.

So yes, it is true that unloving light is still "attacking" the will, and it is still responsible for this perpetration… but it is also true that the will has the power to deny this light. Having good boundaries is being conscious of your keyholes… and also knowing when to open and close the door.

*to regard or treat something abstract as if it had a concrete or material existence



[note: this is an excerpt from a conversation about mainstream and alternative treatments for bipolar symptoms]

(MFGH) One of the problems with man-made medicine is that it has no consciousness of its own that you can dialogue with. There are also other energies that are carried with them besides just their chemical make up. They also carry the history of their manufacture, and even (faintly) the whole system that created them.

You can dialogue with the scientists that developed them, however. That might be useful.

(me) thank you. how would I dialogue with the scientists?'

(MFGH) well you could do it on the outside and the inside. We can help you talk to the Oversouls of those involved. Particularly those you have karma with.

A lot of people get involved with the science of making drugs because a loved one was afflicted by an illness and they want to help others with the same problems. They tend to be the heart people. Then there are the more Ahrimanic points of view. These people think it is a problem with body and it is their right place to fix it. Both people have to harden their hearts in order to do the testing, first on animals, then on people. And as you know, there is not a lot of openness to the kinds of information that the Will can provide, both from the researchers and the testees.

So it is not a very holistic process.

(me) what about the energy that wants to control the Will/Indigo?

(God) yes, and this goes way beyond just the medical system. There was a cultural shift from classifying Indigo people as "seers" during the Dark Ages. With the rise of Christianity, the problem was seen as one of demonic possession. And this was not wrong in many cases, as some problems were a result of Luciferian or asuric influences. So the Church got involved, which meant that the Purple gap and the gap between Purple and Indigo got involved too.

Now, as you know, many religious people feel that mental illness is a moral issue. They feel it is a matter of prayer and faith. And there is truth to this. But the Indigo people often have a resistance to this, because of bad experiences and judgments that they made in relationship to Me. Or else they swing the other way and feel guilt for not receiving me "correctly."

The chemical solution, on the other hand, is more of a Blue solution. This is a more blatant manifestation of the desire to control or shut down Indigo and the will. At this point they have so much control of the planet that "mentally ill" indigo "seeing" is not a threat. Other kinds of indigo seeing, such as the media, is a much bigger problem for them.

The chemical solution is not only a desire to control, it is also a desire to help. And also stems from a feeling of responsibility and guilt. Your suspicion that many psychiatrists have personal karma here does have some validity.

The shift from the "demonic" to the "illness" model is an improvement in some ways, given the Purple gap. But it shifted the focus from being a spiritual problem to being a physical one, and of course the solution then became a physical one. It would be more accurate to say that the problem is a combination of both, and so the solution is a combination of both. This is true of all illnesses.

Medical interventions can keep you alive and participate in life, but they do not solve the problem by themselves. You have to think carefully about the interventions you choose, and of course feel into them. It is hard to be clear because of the heavy cultural expectations about healing.

There is a very dangerous desire to exploit the "ill" person that manifests in all kinds of forms in both the standard medical and alternative medical contexts. Various original motivations combine with the profit motive and off they go.

The reason that it is dangerous is that the ill person does not get good information about their choices. The information is hidden or distorted or presented from an unnamed or even unrecognized point of view.

So you have to do your own due diligence.

Meanwhile, there are systems and healers that work with the Second Attention. In America, the mainstream culture has lost these bodies of knowledge, so you are having to either import it from other cultures or reinvent it. This has gone in two directions, 1) the self-help movement, including 12 step programs, and 2) New Age.

The benefit you have now is that you have many traditions to draw on, and a freedom to combine them in new ways. The down side is that it is hard to know what to choose, how to evaluate the various choices, and the practictioners may not have the benefit of apprenticeship.

I like the peer-to-peer model of getting assistance, because there is first hand experience with the problem and an empathy for the point of view for the person seeking help. But you may also require the assistant of experts outside of your pool of peers.

(me) is it really possible to heal mental illness (MI)?

(God) some of the healing is going to take place as the burden is removed from the fragments who are manifesting MI. Some of the healing is going to take place as the right place for seers is manifest in the culture. Some of the healing is going to take place as the folks with MI learn new strategies for coping with the symptoms. But some of it is going to be actual healing of the chemical imbalances and structures in the brain.

(me) if my BP is a mark of being a shaman, I don't know if I want to give it up. If it is part of my Indigo heritage, I don't know if I want to "heal" it.

(God) now that is self-acceptance!

(me) well of course I want the good stuff without the bad stuff. The depression sucks.

(God) It is possible to heal depression. But some lost will is very depressed, so as you bring more in, it will seem like you aren't making any progress.

Having a choice of when to work with depression would be a good goal for you to have. I know that a lot of your frustration is born from not feeling in control of when you work with each pole [depression and mania].

(me) I could live with that. Thank you.


hi everyone,

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Thursday, February 1, 2007

more on Indigo


(MFGH) The blue-purple aspect of Indigo is a layer that is important to understand as well. Indigo people could be said to be people who have a functioning indigo and who are playing the role that Indigo plays in the Greater Body on Earth.

So who are Indigo people? They can show up in all kinds of contexts. They are an aspect of all colors. Many have gone forth from their original Indigo family circle to help in the world. There is often a period of training or apprenticeship. There are often schools for them. These schools can have either a blue or purple slant, and often combine both.

The study of indigo skills branches out into other subject areas because having a functioning chakra allows you access to the second attention, which makes you more powerful no matter what you are doing. But the main branches are: sorcery, alchemy, healing, advising leaders, oracles, running an "eyes and ears" network, investigative reporting, visioning, divination, magic, ritual, shamanism, witchcraft, channeling, filmmaking, visualizing/graphic design, game design, animation, and it has a role to play in the visual arts in general.

(me) what about spying?

(God) usually the beneficiaries of the information are blue or purple, so to speak, and they use indigo people/teachings to spy. The will side of Indigo has not had the power to resist this directly. Indigo also has a history of secrecy. Secret societies, etc. One of the reasons that others don't trust them.

And as I said in the Indigo book, parts of Indigo were freaked out by this because it reminded them of the circling-in in Blue. So they (you) want to "break" the circle.

Indigo has also been the recipient of "lost" teachings, which is another reason that it has gone underground, to protect those that hold them.